Name Tsai,Yung-Shun(蔡永順)
Job title Associate Professor
Office 8021
Office phone (04) 2332-3456 ext. 48021
Education Ph D. Management ,National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Expertise Financial institution Management , Portfolio and Financial Market
Websites http://research.asia.edu.tw/TchEportfolio/index_1/gicha
Year Paper Title
2024 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)*、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR)、張秀敏(Chang,Hsiu-Min), 總體經濟、租屋與購屋的關聯性, 藝見學刊 no.27 pp.95-126, 2024
2023 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR)*、宋宣瑩(Sung, Hsuan-Ying), 房屋特徵對房價之影響—道路寬度之研究, 藝見學刊 no.26 pp.2223-4470, 2023
2023 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR)*、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、陳映銓(Chen, Ying-Chuan), 隨機指標平滑曲線優化之投資績效分析-以元大寶來台灣卓越50指數股票型基金為例, 藝見學刊, vol.1 no.25 pp.105-137, 2023
2023 臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR)、蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)*、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、陳美智(Chen, Mei-Chih), 股利政策與股票異常報酬關聯性, 藝見學刊, vol.1 no.25 pp.51-64, 2023
2023 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)*、魏志明(Wei, Chih-Ming), 新冠肺炎對台灣股票報酬與交易量影響-生醫類股研究, 藝見學刊, vol.1 no.25 pp.139-159, 2023
2022 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)*、莊慧君(Hui-Chun Chuang), 新冠肺炎與物流對網購平台企業股票報酬影響效果, 藝見學刊, vol.1 no.24 pp.91-119, 2022
2021 臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR)、蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)*、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、張瑜君(Yu-Jun Zhang), The Relationship between Information Asymmetry and Abnormal Returns: A Study of Individual Investors and Institutional Investors, Journal of Economics and Management, vol.17 pp.79-105, 2021
2021 張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、張仁駿(Chang, Zen-Chun)、蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)*、謝宗祐(Hsieh, Tsung-Yu)、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR), 異質性風險、公司特性與股票報酬率-台灣上市公司之實證, 藝見學刊 no.21 pp.109-124, 2021
2021 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、陳彥宸(Chen, Yan-Chen)、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR), 風險對散戶投資人過度自信的影響, 藝見學刊 no.21 pp.53-68, 2021
2020 張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)*、臧仕維, 異質性風險與股票報酬率, 藝見學刊, vol.2020 no.19 pp.101-120, 2020
2018 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR)、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、蔡宜家, 資訊不對稱、流動性衝擊與 公司異常報酬關聯性, 管理資訊計算(Management Information Computing), vol.7 no.2 pp.200-210, 2018
2017 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)*、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR)、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、鄭雅勻(Ya-Yun Cheng), 公司績效與融資對散戶過度自信的影響, 管理資訊計算(Management Information Computing), vol.6 no.4 pp.58-68, 2017
2016 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、洪羽璇(Yu-Syuan Hong)*、張俊評(Jun-Pin Chang), 景氣、盈餘與流動性對股票價格持續性的影響效果/The effects of business cycle, earnings and liquidity on stock price(in Chinese), 管理資訊計算(Management Information Computing), vol.5 no.2 pp.179-188, 2016
2015 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、林建志*、陳曉瑩, Optimal diversification, bank value maximization, and default probability, Applied Economics incorporating Applied Financial Economics, vol.47 no.24 pp.2488-2499, 2015
2015 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR)*、張俊評(Jun-Pin Chang)、吳淑貞(Shu-Jhen Wu), 除權除息與處分效果-台灣實證研究/The ex-dividend and disposition effect: an empirical study in Taiwan(in Chinese), 龍陽學術, vol.11 no.1 pp.43-75, 2015
2014 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、紀建平*、翁竹政, IPO股票折價、股權結構對其報酬、流動性與風險探討-台灣上市櫃股票實證研究/The effect of IPO under-pricing, shareholder structure on return, liquidity and risk: an empirical study in Taiwan(in Chinese), 南開學報, vol.11 no.2 pp.1-13, 2014
2013 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)*、王慧娟, 金融產業之間的風險傳染-台灣實證研究/Financial Contagion among Inter-industry – an Empirical Study of Taiwan(in Chinese), 亞太經濟管理評論, vol.17 no.1 pp.1-30, 2013
2013 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、紀建平*、林惠珍(Hui-Chen Lin), 台灣股票型基金的風險分散與相關性/Diversification and Relationship of Taiwan Equity Fund(in Chinese), 南開學報, vol.10 no.2 pp.41-51, 2013
2012 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)*, 金融合併與風險傳染/Financial Consolidation and Risk Contagion: An Empirical Study of Taiwan(in Chinese), 商略學報, vol.4 no.2 pp.93-113, 2012
2011 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)*、劉文智(wen-Zhi Liu), 台灣機構投資人過度自信行為實證研究/An Empirical Study on the Overconfidence of Institutional Investors in Taiwan(in Chinese), 台灣管理學刊, vol.11 no.2 pp.1-36, 2011
2008 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)*、吳榮振(Roung-Jen Wu), 東亞新興市場之股市與匯市的風險傳染-東亞金融危機期間與非危機期間的驗證/The risk contagion between stock price and exchange rate in Asia emerging market: evidence based on Asian crisis and noncrisis periods(in Chinese), 台灣管理學刊, vol.8 no.2 pp.47-70, 2008
2007 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)*、吳榮振(Roung-Jen Wu), 金融合併與金融不穩定:台灣金控公司為例/Financial Consolidation and Financial Instability: the Study of Taiwan’s Financial Holding Company(in Chinese), 金融風險管理季刊, vol.3 no.1 pp.1-26, 2007
2007 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)*、吳榮振(Roung-Jen Wu), 銀行業風險傳染與金融不穩定-台灣實證研究/The Risk Contagion of Interbank Market and Financial Instability: an Empirical Study of Taiwan(in Chinese), 台灣金融財務季刊, vol.8 no.4 pp.1-28, 2007
Year Book Title
2021 臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR)、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai), Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing-Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2021), Performance of the Initial Public Offering in the Taiwan Stock Market, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Jan. 2021
2021 張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR), Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing-Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2021), The Choice Between FDI and Selling Out with Externality and Exchange Rate, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Jan. 2021
2021 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR), Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2021), Study on the Relationship Between Dividend, Business Cycle, Institutional Investor and Stock Risk, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Jan. 2021
2019 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR), Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2019), Demographic Structure, Business Fluctuations, Tax Shock and Housing Bubbles, Springer, Cham, Jan. 2019
Date of Publication Paper Title
2024.07 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR)、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、張瑞慈(Ruei-Tsz Chuang), The Impact of Investor Sentiment on Abnormal Returns and Abnormal Volumes , The Study of ESG Event - Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jul. 2024, Taiwan/Tunghai University
2023.11 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR)、張瑞慈(Ruei-Tsz Chuang), The Impact of Investor Sentiment on Abnormal Returns , the Study of ESG Event - IEFD 2023 Conference, Nov. 2023, Vietnam/Dai Nam University
2023.07 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR)、劉芷妘(Chih-Yun Liu), The Relationships Between Underpricing and Turnover_ The Study of Seasoned Equity Offerings , The 17 th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jul. 2023, JAPAN
2023.06 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR)、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang), Exploring the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in EMI classrooms to enhance language learning and teaching effectivenessStudy of Seasoned Equity Offerings , 2023 International Conference on Bilingual Education: Course Design and Teaching Practices, Jun. 2023, Taiwan
2023.01 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR), Housing Price, Family Structures and Household Consumption: Empirical , International Conference on Science, Social Science and Economics (IC3SE), Jan. 2023, JAPAN
2021.07 臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR)、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、Tsatsral Ochirbal、Bolor Sukhbaatar, Performance of the Initial Public Offering in the Taiwan Stock Market , The 15-th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing Virtual Conference, Jul. 2021, Online
2021.07 張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、Khunshagai Batjargal、Hong Nhung Nguyen、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR), The Choice Between FDI and Selling Out with Externality and Exchange Rate , The 15-th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing Virtual Conference, Jul. 2021, Online
2021.07 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR), Study on the Relationship Between Dividend, Business Cycle, Institutional Investor and Stock Risk , The 15-th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing Virtual Conference, Jul. 2021, Online
2020.09 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR)、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、洪志興( Chih-Hsing Hung)、張瑜君(Yu-Jun Zhang), 散戶、法人資訊不對稱與異常報酬關聯性 , 2020台灣財務金融學會年會暨國際研討會, Sep. 2020, 台灣南投暨南大學
2020.09 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR)、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、張瑜君(Yu-Jun Zhang), The Relationship between Information Asymmetry of Individual Investors and Institution Investors and Abnormal Returns , 2020 TFA International Conference and Annual Meeting, Sep. 2020, Taiwan, National Chi Nan University
2019.07 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR)、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang), The Relationship Between Dividend, Business Cycle, Institutional Investor and Stock Risk , The 13th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jul. 2019, Japan
2017.07 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR)、張俊評(Chun Ping Chang)、宋政興(Zheng-xing Song), 人口結構、經濟波動、稅制衝擊與房市泡沫化 , 2017年世界華人不動產學會暨亞洲不動產學會會議, Jul. 2017, 台灣
2017.05 鄭雅勻(Ya-Yun Cheng), 公司績效與融資對散戶過度自信的影響 , 2017創新管理與資訊實務研討會, May. 2017, 台灣
2016.07 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、臧仕維(TZANG, SHYH-WEIR)、劉玉珍(Yu-Jhen Liou)、張俊評(Jun-Pin Chang), The Impact of Stock Prices, Risks, and Business Cycle on Overconfidence , 5-thInternational Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS 2016), Jul. 2016, Fukuoka Institute of Technology (FIT), Japan
2016.05 洪羽璇(Yu-Syuan Hong), 景氣、盈餘與流動性對股票價格持續性的影響效果/The effects of business cycle, earnings and liquidity on stock price(in Chinese) , 2016商管與資訊應用研討會, May. 2016, 台中逢甲大學
2015.03 技術指標與超額報酬關聯型, 台灣實證研究/The Relationship between Technical Indicator and Excess Return - Evidence from Taiwan - 2015財務金融與管理研討會, Mar. 2015, 南華大學
2014.05 股票價格、風險與景氣對過度自信的影響/The Impact of Stock Prices, Risks, and Business Cycle on Overconfidence(in Chinese) , 2014 中部財金學術聯盟研討會暨臺灣財務工程學會年會, May. 2014, 台中市金典酒店
2013.06 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、孟範雲, 盈餘宣告與資訊不對稱, 台灣實證研究/Earnings announcements and information asymmetric: an empirical study in Taiwan (in Chinese) - 2013財務金融學會學術研討會, Jun. 2013, 雲科大
2012.06 IPO股票報酬、流動性與風險之探討, 台灣實證研究/The effect of IPO under-pricing, shareholder structure on return, liquidity and risk: an empirical study in Taiwan(in Chinese) - 2012中區財金學術聯盟研討會, Jun. 2012, 南山人壽台中教育訓練中心
2011.06 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、林建志(Chien-Chih Lin)、陳曉瑩(Hsiao-Yin Chen), 銀行業是否存在最適風險分散/Dose it exist optimal diversification in banking , 2011第十四屆財金理論與實務研討會, Jun. 2011, 朝陽科技大學
2011.05 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、林建志(Chien-Chih Lin)、陳曉瑩(Hsiao-Yin Chen), 景氣循環與最適風險分散/Business cycle and optimal diversification , 2011臺灣財務金融學會年會暨財務金融學術論文研討會, May. 2011, 國立高雄第一科技大學圖書資訊館
2010.06 顏至駿(Zhi-Jun Yan), 機構投資人過度自信行為研究, 以台灣三大法人為例/An Empirical Study on the Overconfidence of Institutional Investors in Taiwan(in Chinese) - 2010當代管理論壇, Jun. 2010, 大葉大學
2010.05 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、劉文智(wen-Zhi Liu)、顏至駿(Zhi-Jun Yan), 機構投資人過度自信行為研究, 以台灣為例/An Empirical Study on the Overconfidence of Institutional Investors in Taiwan(in Chinese) - 2010台灣財務金融學會年會暨中部財金學術聯盟研討會, May. 2010, 暨南大學
2009.06 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai), 金融合併與風險傳染, 台灣實證研究/Financial Consolidation and Risk Contagion: An Empirical Study of Taiwan(in Chinese) - 2009臺灣財務金融年會暨學術研討會, Jun. 2009, 中央大學
2009.05 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai), 金融合併對風險傳染的影響, 台灣實證研究/Financial Consolidation and Risk Contagion: An Empirical Study of Taiwan(in Chinese) - 2009當代管理論壇學術研討會, May. 2009, 大葉大學
2008.04 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、吳榮振(Roung-Jen Wu), 東亞新興市場之股市與匯市的風險傳染, 東亞金融危機期間與非危機期間的驗證/The risk contagion between stock price and exchange rate in Asia emerging market: evidence based on Asian crisis and noncrisis periods(in Chinese) - 2008現代財務論壇學術研討會, Apr. 2008, 長榮桂冠
2006.06 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、吳榮振(Roung-Jen Wu), 銀行間市場的系統性風險之傳染效果, 台灣實證研究/Financial contagion among banks: an empirical study in Taiwan - 2006台灣財務金融學會年會暨財務金融保險不動產學術研討會, Jun. 2006, 金融研訓院
Project Title Participator Period
散戶、法人資訊不對稱與公司異常報酬關聯性 (10820031) 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai) 2019.08 ~ 2020.02
流動性與盈餘對股票價格持續性的影響效果/The effect of liquidity and earnings on stock price insistence (104-2815-C-468-034-H) 2015.07 ~ 2016.02
104「證券投資與權證避險操作實務-財金資訊系統之應用」學程/2015 The practice of security investment and hedge of warrant-financial information system (104MF00) 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai) 2015.07 ~ 2016.08
保險客戶服務精進計畫/improvement the service of insurance consumer (I104ME040) 2015.02 ~ 2015.07
風險與過度自信-散戶投資人分析/risk and overconfidence-an analysis of individual investors (103-2815-C-468-032-H) 2014.07 ~ 2015.02
IPO短期折價、長期績效與資訊不對稱: 台灣實證研究/IPO under-pricing, performance and information asymmetric (102-asia-30) 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai) 2014.02 ~ 2015.01
競爭、互補對風險傳染的影響/the of competition and complement on risk contagion (101-asia-10) 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai) 2013.02 ~ 2014.01
個體經濟學理論與實務/microeconomic theory and practice (20130305151302) 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai) 2012.11 ~ 2013.07
處分效果、過度自信與景氣循環的關係/proposition effect, overconfidence and business cycle (101-2815-C-468-024-H) 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai) 2012.07 ~ 2013.02
金融風險管理-財金軟體運用/Financial risk management-software application (20130305150908) 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai) 2011.11 ~ 2013.07
Award Name
金融合併-宏遠證券個案分析/financial consolidation of security company-case study
個體經濟學理論與實務/microeconomic theory and practice
金融風險管理-財金軟體運用/financial risk management-financial software application
Category Course Code Course Title Year
碩士在職專班 MFE00031A 碩士論文(二) 113
大學日間部 86U00027A 保險學 113
大學日間部 86U00205A 金融市場與科技專題 113
碩士在職專班 MFE00105A 財務實證方法 113
Year Research Title Authors
103 基本面、籌碼面與總體面對股票報酬影響/The Impact of Fundamental, Institutional Investors and Macroeconomics on Stock Returns 陳彬洲
103 股利政策與買回庫藏股對公司績效的影響/The Impact of Stock Dividends and Repurchases on Performance 石瑞珠
103 金融危機、處分效果與反應不足之關聯性 -台灣實證研究/The Relationship between Financial Crisis、Disposition Effect and Underreaction -An Empirical Study of Taiwan 徐秋甄
103 除權除息與處分效果-台灣實證研究/Ex-dividend and Disposition Effect -An Empirical Study of Taiwan 吳淑貞
103 技術指標與超額報酬關聯性-臺灣實證研究/The relationship between technical indicators and excess returns- Evidence from Taiwan 黃柏雄
103 從眾之後價格持續或反轉-台灣實證研究/Stock Price Persistence or Reverse after Investor’s Herding Behavior: A Taiwan Empirical Study 魏士豪
103 運用基因演算法挑選最佳分析指標及最適投資組合-以金融海嘯前後為例/Genetic simulation on stock analysis index for optimal portfolio 李俞青
103 金融危機前後黃金交叉與死亡交叉 出現頻率對股票報酬的影響/The Stock Return Influented by Golden Cross and Death Cross Before and After the Financial Crisis 戴藍
103 IPO股權結構與盈餘對長短期風險的影響/The impact of shareholder structure and earnings on IPO risk 洪子婷
103 金融危機前後匯率對股票報酬及風險之影響/The Stock Return and Risk Influenced by Foreign Exchange RatesPre- and Post- Financial Crisis 李珮禔
102 散戶在金融危機的處分效果-台灣實證研究/The proposition effect of individual investors during crisis: an empirical study in Taiwan 王薇婷
102 台灣股票型基金橫斷面差異之探討/The Study of The Cross-Sectional Differences of Taiwan’s Equity Funds 李慧美
101 景氣及持股對基金績效之影響/The Impact of business cycle and holding stock on mutual fund 蔡緯蒨
101 股票價格、風險與景氣對過度自信的影響/The Effect of Stock Prices, Risks, and Business Cycle on Overconfidence 劉玉珍
100 法人、散戶對盈餘波動是否存在過度反應—臺灣實證研究/Does It Exist Overreaction to Earning Announcement of Institutional and Individual Investors - An Empirical Study in Taiwan 金秉勳
100 企業風險結構對購併績效的影響-台灣實證/The Impact Enterprise risk structure on Merger and Acquisition Performance - Evidence from Taiwan 何美貞
100 盈餘宣告前後交易量變化對報酬的影響/The Impact of Changes in Trading Volume on Returns Before and After Earnings Announcements 孟範雲
100 盈餘、股權結構和公司績效關聯性/The Relationship among Earnings, Ownership Stucture and Corporate Performance 黃慧貞
099 折價與股權結構對IPO股票報酬、流動性與風險的影響-台灣實證研究-The Impact of Underpricing, Ownership Structure on IPO Stock Return, Liquidity and Risk: An Empirical Study in Taiwan 翁竹政
099 金融危機與產業之間的傳染-台灣實證研究/Financial Crises and Inter-industry Contagion – an Empirical Study of Taiwan 王慧娟
099 台灣股票型基金的風險分散與傳染/Diversification and Contagion of Taiwan Equity Fund 林慧珍
097 台灣銀行放款績效評估 - 風險值的考量/The Loan Performance of Banking in Taiwan: Measure in VaR 顏至駿
097 機構投資人過度自信行為研究-以台灣為例/Study on Overconfident Behavior of Institution Investors: The Case of Taiwan 劉文智
Year Project name Advising professor Department Student name
108 散戶、法人資訊不對稱與公司異常報酬關聯性 蔡永順 財務金融學系 張瑜君
104 洪羽璇-流動性與盈餘對股票價格持續性的影響效果/The effects of business cycle, earnings and liquidity on stock price(in Chinese) 蔡永順 財金系 洪羽璇
103 風險與過度自信-散戶投資人分析/Risk and overconfidence: an analysis of individual investors 蔡永順 財務金融學系 陳彥宸