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Students Activities


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             International College handles winter solstice drive away from the cold

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                      International Academy handles badminton competitions

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International student dormitory work activities   Daily life photos of international students

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International Student Creative Activity Competition                                           

   This is a image  This is a image

Department of Finance handles international           Travel photos of students from the Department
 student teaser activities                                          of Finance and Economics (Vietnam+Mongolia)
                                                                                   to Fo Guang Shan

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 Financial Department Double Class (Vietnam+Mongolia) Student travel photos to Kenting

    This is a image      This is a image 

Financial Department Double Class (Vietnam                   International College handles International
+Mongolia) Student travel photos to Kenting
                  Week activities


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International College handles International                  Department of Finance handles international
 Week activities
                                                                 student teaser activities

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Signed a double mou cooperation meeting with       Shuanglian Vietnam class life photo
Vietnam University of Finance and Technology   
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                         International College handles Indonesian Culture Day

This is a image   This is a image

                           International College handles Indonesian Culture Day