2024 Asia University JOB FAIR for International Students

  • 2024-04-26
  • 網管(Amor)

Event Date: May 8th, 2024 (Wednesday)

Activity Time: 10 am to 3 pm

Location: The square in front of College of Management and the boulevard, Asia University

Event contact person: Ms. Beatrice Lai (beatrice@asia.edu.tw)  Tel: 04-23323456 extension 6276


2024年場地圖 (1)
亞洲大學國際學生就業廣場海報就博會_徵才_宏全台灣宏川集團就博會_徵才_池安量子資安Chelpis就博會_徵才_太平洋醫材股份有限公司Pacific Hospital Supply就博會_徵才_台中福華飯店福華王子大飯店就博會_徵才_玉美Yumei