112-2 學 期 課 程 預 選 公 告(2023-2nd Semester Course Pre-Selection)
★112-2學期 課 程 預 選 公 告 <本階段不開放跨學制選課>
大學日間部四年級、進修學士班四年級:112/12/26(二) 10:00起~ 112/12/29(五) 17:00 止;
Full-Time (F/T) Senior year /Undergraduate From Continuing education, senior year/Undergraduate:2023/12/26 (Tue.) 10:00am To 2023/12/29 (Fri.) 5:00 pm
全學制全年級:112/12/27(三) 10:00起~ 112/12/29(五) 17:00止
All students (F/T undergraduate, continuing education, 80 credit-hours, masters, OJT master, and Ph.D.): From 2023/12/27 (Wed.) 10:00am To 2023/12/29 (Fri.) 5:00 pm
1.112/12/25(一) 中午12時開放提供學生查詢112-2課表及課程。
2023/12/25 (Mon.) 12:00 pm inquire the Student/Course Information System, under the title of 2023-2nd Course Table.
2.How to log into course selection website:Asia University homepage →click on「Course Selection inquiry」→ enter Student ID and password;Or use this URL to directly enter the course selection system: (The password is the same as the password for Student Information System. Please change your password routinely to prevent ID theft. For forgotten password, go to Student Information System and click the「Forgotten password」on the upper side of the page, or call Information Office at Ext. 3511 for assistance.)
3.Important rules for pre-selection:
(1)Up to 3 courses in all 4 liberal arts disciplines may be selected, but the system will randomly determine up to 2 courses.
(2)Up to 2 courses per person (randomly reduced to 1 by the system) in Physical Education (PE) IV for F/T undergraduate Junior and Seniorstudents are allowed in pre-selection. Selection of PE beyond one’s respective year is strictly prohibited.
(3)How to operate the course selection system:*To add a「department-specific requirement / elective」course, please first search ‘Department’ column according to your ‘Department’ and‘Year’ in the course selection system before you add a course. (Contact your department for specific rules of taking cross-department and/or year-specific core curriculum courses). *To add a「general education course」, please select General Education button in the course selection system, and select desired discipline. *To add a 「basic education course」, please select Basic Education button and the drop-down menu will display the respective semester’s basic education courses. *To add a 「physical education course (4)」, Sophomore students login the Student Information System to fill in your sport type wishes, Junior and Senior students select Physical Education button in the course selection system, and the drop-down menu will display the respective semester’s physical education courses.
(4)The system will automatically add department-specific required courses into your course schedule; you are not required to select manually.
(5)During pre-selection period, you may check for the max limit and real time sign-up result for all courses in the Course Inquiry System.After the pre-selection period, the acceptance of a course with a number of students signing up for it exceeding its max limit will bedetermined randomly by the system. The acceptance result will be published officially at 2024/01/26 (Fri.) 3:00pm at the StudentInformation System, under the title of 2023-2nd Course Table.
4.Students not completing the「Teacher Evaluation System」and 「Membership Suggestion Questionnaire」will be blocked for coursepre-selection. Please complete them at「Student Information System」→「Teacher/Homeroom Satisfaction Questionnaire」before goingto the course pre-selection system. Students who fail to complete pre-selection must add/cancel course selection within the opening week ofthe semester, and the add/cancel period will be announced officially by the Office of Academic Affairs.
5、For further information, please visit the website of the Office of Academic Affairs (http://ac.asia.edu.tw). For curriculum issues, please contact Curriculum Section, specific department office, or General Education Center. For system issues, please contact Information Office.