2023.07 |
廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、陳?如( Yen-Ju Chen)、蔡昀諼(Yun-Hsuan Tsai)、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), The Influence of CEO/CFO Turnover on Company Value , IMIS 2023, Jul. 2023, Canada/Toronto |
2023.07 |
詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Po-Hung Chen、Sue-Ming Hsu、廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA), Research on the Influence of On, the-go Cross-store Access through APPs on Consumer Behavior - IMIS 2023, Jul. 2023, Canada/Toronto |
2023.05 |
廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), 減資對長期公司價值之影響 , 第二十四屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會, May. 2023, 台灣/彰化 |
2023.05 |
詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、張正炎、廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA), 應用AHP及TOPSIS法探導便利商群經營之績效 , 第二十四屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會, May. 2023, 台灣/彰化 |
2022.06 |
詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Wen-Qian Li、 Sue-Ming Hsu、廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA), Research on the Intention of the Elderly to Participate in Barrier, Free Tours - IMIS 2022, Jun. 2022, Japan/Kitakyushu |
2022.06 |
廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、曾根秀一( Hidekazu Sone), Study on Business Continuity of Small and Medium, Sized Firms in Japan: Focusing on Business Continuity Planning for Natural Disaster Risk - IMIS 2022, Jun. 2022, Japan/Kitakyushu |
2022.06 |
廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、陳研如(Yen-Ju Chen)、余瓊紋(Chiung-Wen Yu)、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), Comparing Investor Sentiment Between Growth and Value Stocks , IMIS 2022, Jun. 2022, Japan/Kitakyushu |
2022.05 |
詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Sue-Ming Hsu、廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA), The Influence of Brand Image and Perceived Value of Electric Scooter on Purchase Intention—Taking Gogoro Inc. as an Example , The 4th Asia-Pacific Management Research Conference, May. 2022, Indonesia/Surabaya |
2022.05 |
廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、王淳民(Chun-Min Wang)、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), Investor sentiment and business cycle , The 4th Asia-Pacific Management Research Conference, May. 2022, Indonesia/Surabaya |
2022.01 |
詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA), The Influence of Brand Image, Service Quality on Perceived Risk and Purchase Intention—A Case Study on Duo Fu Holiday Company , Future ICT 2022, Jan. 2022, TAIWAN/TAICHUNG CITY |
2022.01 |
廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), Value versus Growth Stocks, Business Cycle and Investor Sentiment , Future ICT 2022, Jan. 2022, TAIWAN/TAICHUNG CITY |
2022.01 |
廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), Value versus Growth Stocks, Business Cycle and Investor Sentiment , FUTURE ICT 2022, Jan. 2022, 台灣/台中 |
2021.07 |
詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Pei-Fang Lu、Sue-Ming Hsu、廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA), Research on the Integration of Information Technology into Aesthetic Teaching in Kindergartens , IMIS 2021, Jul. 2021, 韓國/Asan/Soonchunhyang (SCH) University |
2021.07 |
廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、王淳民(Chun-Min Wang)、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), Macroeconomic Variables and Investor Sentiment , IMIS 2021, Jul. 2021, 韓國/Asan/Soonchunhyang (SCH) University |
2020.07 |
廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、何杰霖(Chieh-Lin He)、崔瑞瑞(Ruirui Cui)、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), Investor Sentiment and Governance Mechanisms , IMIS 2020, Jul. 2020, 波蘭/Lodz |
2020.07 |
廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、郭蔚黎(Wei-Li Kuo)、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), Investment Concentration and Home Bias , IMIS 2020, Jul. 2020, 波蘭/Lodz |
2020.07 |
詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA), The Social Performance of University Social Responsibility Elderly Project: The Perspective of Social Return on Investment , IMIS 2020, Jul. 2020, 波蘭/Lodz |
2020.07 |
詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA), An Inventory Model for Perishable Items Under Upstream and Downstream Trade Credit , IMIS 2020, Jul. 2020, 波蘭/Lodz |
2019.07 |
廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、曾根秀一(Hidekazu Sone), Do institutional investors like local longevity companies? , IMIS 2019, Jul. 2019, Australia/Sydney |
2018.12 |
廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、許凱鈞(Kai-Jyun Syu)、黃永強(WONG WING KEUNG), The Relevance of Ownership Structure for Long, lived Companies in Taiwan - World Finance Banking Symposium, Dec. 2018, Taiwan/Taichung |
2018.07 |
廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、郭怡君(Yi-Jun Guo)、曾根秀一(Hidekazu Sone), Asset Structure of Long, Lived Company - IMIS 2018, Jul. 2018, Japan/ Matsue |
2018.07 |
廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、洪詩涵(Shih-Han Hong)、吉村典久(Norihisa Yoshimura), Five Elements and Stock Market , IMIS 2018, Jul. 2018, Japan/ Matsue |
2017.07 |
廖美華(MEI-HUA LIAO)、詹翔鈴(Xiang-Ling Zhan)、曾根秀一(Hidekazu Sone), The Effects of CSR Announcement on Long, Life Business - IMIS 2017, Jul. 2017, Torino, Italy |
2016.07 |
廖美華(MEI-HUA LIAO)、許宇慈(Yu-Ci Xu)、曾根秀一(Hidekazu Sone), Old, established Companies’ Traditions and Innovations – Focusing on e-Business of Japan and Taiwan – - IMIS 2016, Jul. 2016, Japan / Fukuoka / Fukuoka Institute of Technology |
2016.07 |
廖美華(MEI-HUA LIAO)、陳雯惠(Wun-Huei Chen)、林盈昀(Ying-Yun Lin), SEO Behavior of the Family Firms through Agency theory Perspective , IMIS 2016, Jul. 2016, Japan / Fukuoka / Fukuoka Institute of Technology |
2016.05 |
貸款人脈對家族企業的影響 , 第十一屆企業國際化理論與實務研討會, May. 2016, 台灣/台南 |
2015.07 |
Hidekazu Sone、廖美華(MEI-HUA LIAO), Study of e, business strategy in Japanese Family Business and Long-Established - 2015 IMIS, Jul. 2015, Blumenau, Brazil |
2015.07 |
廖美華(MEI-HUA LIAO)、陳立雯(Li-Wen Chen)、堀本三郎(Saburo Horimoto), The Relationship of Companies Social Connection and SEOs , 2015 IMIS, Jul. 2015, Blumenau, Brazil |
2015.05 |
藍宇崙、廖美華(MEI-HUA LIAO), 外資持股比率對個股期貨標的股票之影響 , 2015 年跨校聯合學術研討會, May. 2015, 育達科技大學 |
2015.05 |
廖美華(MEI-HUA LIAO), 公司社會網絡對現金增資的影響 , 2015 年跨校聯合學術研討會, May. 2015, 銘傳大學台北基河校區 |
2014.07 |
廖美華(MEI-HUA LIAO)、張嘉耘(Chia-Yun Chang), Analysts’ Forecasts and Institutional Investors’ Behavior , 2014 IMIS, Jul. 2014, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK |
2014.01 |
廖美華(MEI-HUA LIAO)、陳立雯(Li-Wen Chen), The Impact of Institutional Trading on Seasoned Equity Offerings , EBES 2014 Conference-Singapore, Jan. 2014, Singapore |
2013.07 |
廖美華(MEI-HUA LIAO)、陳立雯(Li-Wen Chen), SEO and Insider Trading , 2013 IMIS, Jul. 2013, 台中 |
2013.07 |
高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)、廖美華(MEI-HUA LIAO)、莫之欣(Chih-Hsin Muo), Investor Sentiment and Acute Coronary Syndrome , 2013 IMIS, Jul. 2013, 台中 |
2013.07 |
廖美華(MEI-HUA LIAO)、劉永欽(Young-Chin Liu)、賴莉甯(Li-Ning Lai), Institutional Stock Trading and Loan Renegotiation Information , 2013 IMIS, Jul. 2013, 台中 |
2013.07 |
廖美華(MEI-HUA LIAO)、張雅雲(Ya-Yun Chang), House Pricing and Corporate Social Responsibility , 2013 IMIS, Jul. 2013, 台中 |
2013.05 |
廖美華(MEI-HUA LIAO)、蔡宥諺, 機構法人投資情緒之影響─以臺股為例 , 龍華科技大學-2013年全國商管論文研討會, May. 2013, 龍華科技大學管理學院 |
2012.07 |
廖美華(MEI-HUA LIAO), Marriage, education and housing Price , 2012 IMIS, Jul. 2012, Palermo, Italy |
2012.06 |
劉永欽(Young-Chin Liu)、王姿若、廖美華(Liao, Meihua), 金融機構作業風險對信譽的影響及公司治理的角色 , 2012中部財金聯盟研討會, Jun. 2012, 台中 |
2012.01 |
廖美華(Liao, Meihua), Exploring the impact of the labor displacement on the housing markets , Global Conference on Business and Finance., Jan. 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii , US |
2011.06 |
廖美華(Liao, Meihua)、林明叡(Mingrui Lin,), The Structural Changes in Investment Participation– Evidence from Housing Auctions in Taiwan , EBES 2011 Conference-Istanbul, Jun. 2011, Istanbul |
2011.06 |
廖美華(Liao, Meihua)、王尹柔(Yinrou Wang), The Structural Changes in Housing Demand , EBES 2011 Conference-Istanbul, Jun. 2011, Istanbul |
2011.06 |
廖美華(MEI-HUA LIAO)、林明叡, 法拍屋參與者的結構性變動 , 兩岸經貿商管學術與實務研討會, Jun. 2011, 建國科技大學 |
2010.10 |
廖美華(Liao, Meihua), The Effects of Removing Price Limits , Eurasia Business and Economice Soeciety 2010 Athens Conference, Oct. 2010, Athens, Greece |
2008.04 |
廖美華(Liao, Meihua), 値幅制限の影響 , 證券經濟學會關西部會, Apr. 2008, 日本大阪府 |
2007.10 |
廖美華(MEI-HUA LIAO), 台湾IPO 株のクロス・セクション分析 , 證券經濟學會第68 次全國大會, Oct. 2007, 日本關西大學 |