Name | Wang,Kuei-Yuan(王癸元) |
Job title | Associate Professor |
Office Hour | OFFICE HOUR |
Office | 8028 |
Office phone | (04) 2332-3456 ext. 48028 |
Education | Ph D. Business Administration, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan |
Expertise | Corporate finance , Corporate Governance , Behavior Finance |
Websites | http://research.asia.edu.tw/TchEportfolio/index_1/yuarn |
Year | Paper Title |
2024 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、林曉鴻(Xiao-Hong Lin)、蔡依妮(Yi-Ni Tsai)、王柏茵(Bo-Yin Wang), 以UTAUT模式檢驗文化差異對大學生行動支付使用意圖之研究, 台灣管理學刊, vol.24 no.1, 2024 |
2024 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、韓建國(Chien-Kuo Han)*、李婕妤(Jie-Yu Li), Effect of Greenwashing Behavior on Firm Performance: Board Supervisory Quality as a Moderator, 藝見學刊 no.27 pp.127-148, 2024 |
2023 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、韓建國(Chien-Kuo Han)*、宋協嶸(Hsieh-Jung Sung), Covid-19升降級警戒宣告對上市營建子產業股價異常報酬的影響, 藝見學刊 no.25 pp.77-93, 2023 |
2022 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、張庭彰(Tin-Chang Chang)*、鮮正華(Zheng-Hua Xian), 資源基礎理論觀點檢視金融控股公司企業社會責任與創造共享價值之關係, 藝見學刊 no.23 pp.81-98, 2022 |
2021 | 韓建國(Chien-Kuo Han)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、蔡承軒(Cheng-Hsuan Tsai)、林雅憶(Ya-I Lin)、丁筱芸(Hsiao-Yun Ting), 2018中美貿易戰爭對台灣股票市場異常報酬影響之研究, 國際商經評論/ International Review of Business and Economics no.16 pp.1-18, 2021 |
2021 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、張庭彰(Tin-Chang Chang)*、陳怡廷(Yi-Ting Cheng), 跨國房地產投資者人格特質對風險管理影響之研究, 藝見學刊 no.21 pp.69-81, 2021 |
2020 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、張玉瑋(Yu-Wei Chang)、薛麗娟(Li-Chuan Hsueh), 美容人才培訓中心競爭優勢之探討, 藝見學刊 no.19 pp.141-155, 2020 |
2019 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、黃育新(Yu-Sin Huang), Effects of Transparency on Herding Behavior: Evidence from the Taiwanese Stock Market, EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE, vol.55 no.8 pp.1821-1840, 2019 |
2018 | 林曉鴻(Xiao-Hong Lin)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、韓建國(Chien-Kuo Han)、黃吉安(Chi-An Huang), 汽車產業關鍵價值動因之比較:裕隆 vs.和泰, 國際商經評論/ International Review of Business and Economics no.13 pp.16-36, 2018 |
2017 | 黃騰進(Teng-Ching Huang)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*, Investor’s Fear and Herd Behavior: Evidence from the Taiwan Stock Market, EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE, vol.53 no.10 pp.2259-2278, 2017 |
2017 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、林曉鴻(Xiao-Honf Lin)、高涵謙(Han-Chien Kao), 金融科技浪潮下,P2P借貸平台網站內容分析之研究, 國際商經評論/ International Review of Business and Economics no.11 pp.14-33, 2017 |
2016 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、彭素君(Su-Chun Peng), The Influence of Corporate Transparency and Heterogeneous Beliefs on Momentum Profits, 證券市場發展季刊/Review of Securities and Futures Markets, vol.28 no.1 pp.123-156, 2016 |
2016 | 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、林瑩華(Ying-Hua Lin), 經理人過度自信、研發產出與績效變數之關聯性 -聯立方程式模型/ A Study on the Interrelationships among Managers' Overconfidence, R&D Output and Performance Variables-Simultaneous Equations Models (In Chinese), 國際商經評論/ International Review of Business and Economics, vol.9 pp.47-64, 2016 |
2016 | 黃德舜(Derek Te-Shun Huang)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*, 導入ERP系統前制度合理化與價值動因結合之研究-以簡易加工物流業個案為例, 管理與系統/Journal of Management & Systems, vol.23 no.4 pp.503-525, 2016 |
2016 | 簡正儀(Cheng-Yi Chien)*、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、許智翔(Chih-Hsiang Hsu), Whose Short Sales Are Informed? Institutions vs. Individuals, Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, vol.19 no.3 pp.73-81, 2016 |
2015 | 施靜慧(Ching-Hui Shih)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、汪耀華(Yao-Hua Wang)、Yu-Shan Hsu(Yu-Shan Hsu)*、Sin-Jin Lin、、、、, An Emerging Fusion Architecture for Corporate Operating Efficiency Forecasting with Ensemble Strategies, International Journal of Information Processing and Management, vol.6 no.2 pp.15-21, 2015 |
2015 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、吳佳鴻(Chia-Hung Wu), 台中銀行企業價值評估:類似公司比較法/ Evaluation on Taichung Commercial Bank: Comparable Company Approach (In Chinese), 國際商經評論/ International Review of Business and Economics, vol.8 pp.39-51, 2015 |
2015 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、塗勝閔(Sheng-Min Tu), The Influence of National Leader Change on Corruption and Soverign Rating, ACTA OECONOMICA, vol.6 no.supplment pp.79-97, 2015 |
2015 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、陳建國(Chien-Kuo Chen)、魏筱綺(Hsiao-Chi We), Media Coverage and Stock Return in the Taiwan Stock Market, ACTA OECONOMICA, vol.65 no.supplement pp.35-53, 2015 |
2014 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、黃育新(Yu-Sin Huang), 企業社會責任、信用評等對融資順位理論之影響/ The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility, Credit Rating on Pecking Order Theory (In Chinese), 國際商經評論/ International Review of Business and Economics no.5 pp.55-73, 2014 |
2013 | 黃瓊瑤(Chiung-Yao Huang)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、張鳳真(Feng-Chen Chang), 企業社會責任事件宣告與股價異常報酬之研究/ The Relationship Between CSR Announcements and Abnormal Stock Returns (In Chinese), 當代會計/ Contemporary Accounting, vol.14 no.2 pp.175-204, 2013 |
2012 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、陳姿秀(Tzu-Hsiu Chen)、黃德舜(Derek Te-Shun Huang), 私立大學預算寬鬆、年度餘絀變動與結餘款管理關係之研究/ Exploring the Relationships Among Budgetary Slacks, Earnings Variance and Earnings Management in Private Universities (In Chinese), 非營利組織管理學刊/ Journal of NPO Management no.12 pp.106-130, 2012 |
2012 | 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、黃瑞琦(Jui-Chi Huang)、塗勝閔(Sheng-Min Tu), 智慧資本與企業價值之關聯性-金控子銀行與獨立銀行之比較/ The Value Relevance of Intellectual Capital and Corporate Value: Comparisons Between Subsidiary Banks of Financial Holding Companies and Independent Banks (In Chinese), 國際商經評論/ International Review of Business and Economics no.2 pp.1-23, 2012 |
2011 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、彭素君(Su-Chun Peng)、丁文玨(Wen-Chueh Ting)、陳建國(Chien-Kuo Chen)*, Short-Term Momentum Profits and Herd Behavior, 臺灣企業績效學刊/ Taiwan Business Performance Journal, vol.5 no.1 pp.1-18, 2011 |
2010 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、簡正儀(Cheng-Yi Chien)、黃彥聖(Yen-Sheng Huang), Relative Strength and Momentum Profits, Journal of Statistics & Management Systems, vol.13 no.1 pp.59-75, 2010 |
2008 | 姜清海(Ching-Hai Jiang)*、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、黃彥聖(Yen-Sheng Huang), Managerial ownership, capital expenditures and firm performance: Evidence from the Taiwan Stock Exchange, Corporate ownership & control, vol.5 no.4 pp.418-426, 2008 |
2008 | 劉祐綸(Yu-lun Liu)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、彭素君(Su-Chun Peng)、黃彥聖(Yen-Sheng Huang), The performance of the contrarian strategy and the momentum strategy in the Asia pacific region, International Journal of Finance, vol.20 no.3 pp.4863-4883, 2008 |
2007 | 彭素君(Su-Chun Peng)*、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、黃彥聖(Yen-Sheng Huang), International Cross-listings, Valuation Effects, and Company Characteristics: Evidence from Taiwan, Journal of Emerging Markets, vol.12 no.3 pp.7-20, 2007 |
2001 | 徐聯恩(Michael L. A. Hsu)、楊振興、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*, 試論實務經理人教育/ Practical Executive Education (In Chinese), 研習論壇/ Forum on Training and Development no.12 pp.39-50, 2001 |
Year | Book Title |
2021 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、韓建國(Chien-Kuo Han)、石淑慈(Shu-Tzu Shih), Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, A Feasibility Study of the Introduction of Service Apartment Operation Model on Long-Term Care Institutions, Springer, Jan. 2021 |
2021 | 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、陳惠瑜(Jia-Yu Chen), Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Analysis of the Causal Relationship Among Diversification Strategies, Financial Performance and Market Values by the Three-Stage Least Squares (3SLS) , Springer, Jan. 2021 |
2021 | 陳興忠(Hsing-Chung Chen)、曾憲雄(Shian-Shyong Tseng)、龔自良(TZU-LIANG KUNG)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang), Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Learning Performance Prediction with Imbalanced Virtual Learning Environment Students’ Interactions Data, Springer, Jan. 2021 |
2021 | 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、徐麗如(Li-Lu Hsu), Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, The Relationship Between Long-Term Care Issues and Disability Insurance, Springer, Jan. 2021 |
2021 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、韓建國(Chien-Kuo Han)、洪宗智(Tsung-Chih Hung), Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Feasibility Study of Introducing Daily Rental Suites Business Model into Long term Care Institutions, Springer, Jan. 2021 |
2019 | 黃培碩(Pei-Shuo Huang)、張庭彰(Tin-Chang Chang)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang), 發現台指選擇權的凸性, 龍馬文化, Apr. 2019 |
2005 | 徐聯恩、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang), 企業個案研究/ Enterprise Case Study, 百貨業管理個案:中友百貨、新光三越/ Department Store Case Study: Chungyo and Shinkong Mitsukoshi, 國立空中大學/ National Open Unoversity, Jan. 2005 |
Date of Publication | Paper Title |
2024.06 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、韓建國(Chien-Kuo Han)、林文德(Wen-De Lin), Discussion on the Labor Shortage Problem in Taiwan’s Construction Industry , The 18th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, IMIS-2024, Jun. 2024, 台中/台灣 |
2024.06 | 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、趙子婷(Tzu-Ting Chao)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、楊惠玲(Hui-Ling Yang), Research on Optimization Strategies of Pension Investment Portfolio , Taking Civil Servants as an Example - The 18th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, IMIS-2024, Jun. 2024, 台中/台灣 |
2024.05 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林曉鴻(Xiao-Hong Lin)、蔡依妮(Yi-Ni Tsai)、王柏茵(Bo-Yin Wang), 以UTAUT模式檢驗文化差異對大學生行動支付使用意圖之研究 , 2024 FeAT International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Green Finance, and Investments, May. 2024, 台北/台灣 |
2023.07 | 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、Shih-Chieh Lin、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林敬倫(Ching-Lun Lin), Impact of SARS and COVID, 19 on Taiwan’s Tourism Industry - The 17th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2023), Jul. 2023, Toronto, Canada |
2023.07 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、宋協嶸(Hsieh-Jung Sung), A Study on the Abnormal Stock Returns of Listed Companies in Taiwan's Construction Sub, Industry Due to the Covid-19 Epidemic Announcement - The 17th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2023), Jul. 2023, Toronto, Canada |
2023.05 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、李婕妤(Jie-Yu Li), 公司漂綠行為對企業績效的影響:董事會監督能力的調節效果 , 第十四屆前瞻管理學術與產業趨勢研討會, May. 2023, 苗栗/台灣 |
2022.06 | 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、楊晴如(Ching-Ru Yang), Impacts of COVID, 19 on Stock Returns of the Cross-border Transportation Industry - The 16th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, IMIS-2022, Jun. 2022, Kitakyushu, Japan |
2022.06 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、韓建國(Chien-Kuo Han)、梁家韋(Chia-Wei Eddie Liang), Application of TOWS Matrix Analysis in a Precision Medicine Genetic Testing Company , The 16th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, IMIS-2022, Jun. 2022, Kitakyushu, Japan |
2022.01 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、張庭彰(Tin-Chang Chang)、鮮正華, The Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and the Creation of Shared Value: Example for a Financial Holding Company , The Third International Symposium on Future Information and Communication Technology, Future ICT 2022, Jan. 2022, Taichung, Taiwan |
2021.07 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、韓建國(Chien-Kuo Han)、石淑慈(Shu-Tzu Shih), A Feasibility Study of the Introduction of Service Apartment Operation Model on Long, Term Care Institutions - The 15th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2021), Jul. 2021, Soonchunhyang (SCH) University, Asan, Korea |
2021.07 | 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、陳佳妤(Jia-Yu Chen), Analysis of the Causal Relationship Among Diversification Strategies, Financial Performance and Market Values by the Three, Stage Least Squares (3SLS) - The 15th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2021), Jul. 2021, Soonchunhyang (SCH) University, Asan, Korea |
2021.07 | 陳興忠(Hsing-Chung Chen)、Eko Prasetyo、Prayitno、Sri Suning Kusumawardani、曾憲雄(Shian-Shyong Tseng)、龔自良(TZU-LIANG KUNG)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang), Learning Performance Prediction with Imbalanced Virtual Learning Environment Students’ Interactions Data , The 15th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2021), Jul. 2021, Soonchunhyang (SCH) University, Asan, Korea |
2020.07 | 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、徐麗如(Li-Lu Hsu), The Relationship Between Long, Term Care Issues and Disability Insurance - The 14th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2020), Jul. 2020, Lodz, Poland |
2020.07 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、韓建國(Chien-Kuo Han)、洪宗智(Tsung-Chih Hung), Feasibility Study of Introducing Daily Rental Suites Business Model into Long term Care Institutions , The 14th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2020), Jul. 2020, Lodz, Poland |
2020.06 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang), Under the Impact of Post, COVID 19 Era, Re-Thinking about the Financial Education - Sustainable Learning: New Thinking, New Model and New Vision, Jun. 2020, Bangkok, Thailand |
2019.07 | 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、陳美蓮(Mei-Lien Chen), Key Success Factors of Online Learning Website A , Balanced Scorecard Perspective - The 13th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2019), Jul. 2019, Sydney, Australia |
2019.07 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、韓建國(Chien-Kuo Han)、黃育新(Yu-Sin Huang), The Causes and Influences of Institutional Investors Herding Behavior in the Taiwan Stock Market , The 13th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2019), Jul. 2019, Sydney, Australia |
2019.06 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、鄭全佑(Chuan-You Cheng), 杜邦恆等式之再檢驗 , 2019 現代會計論壇學術研討會, Jun. 2019, 台灣 |
2018.07 | 林曉鴻(Xiao-Hong Lin)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、韓建國(Chien-Kuo Han)、黃育新(Yu-Sin Huang)、廖翊淇(Yi-Chi Liao)、丁子芸(Tzu-Yun Ting)、范庭瑄(Ting-Shiuan Fang), The Influence of U.S. FED's Interest Rate, Raising Event Announcements on the Abnormal Returns in the Taiwan Stock Market - The 12th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2018), Jul. 2018, Matsue, Japan |
2018.07 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林曉鴻(Xiao-Hong Lin)、韓建國(Chien-Kuo Han)、林吉呈(Chi-Cheng Lin), Study on Production & Marketing of Tea: A Company , The 12th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jul. 2018, Matsue, Japan |
2018.05 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、黃育新(Yu-Sin Huang), Effects of Transparency on Herding Behavior: Evidence from the Taiwanese Stock Market , 2018中部財金學術聯盟研討會, May. 2018, 台灣 |
2018.05 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、高涵謙(Han-Chien Kao), 金融科技文獻初探:文獻計量法的應用 , 2018智慧金融與企業管理學術研討會, May. 2018, 台灣 |
2017.07 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、韓建國(Chien-Kuo Han)、林曉鴻(Xiao-Hong Lin)、林明德(Ming-De Lin), The Influence of Internationalization on Value Drivers_ Song Ho Industrial Corporation, Ltd. vs. Chih Lien Industrial Corporation, Ltd. , The 11th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jul. 2017, Torino, Italy |
2017.07 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、韓建國(Chien-Kuo Han)、林曉鴻(Xiao-Hong Lin)、林佳樺(Chia-Hua Lin), A Comparative Study of Valuation and Value Drivers in the Textile Industry_ Kwang Ming Silk Mill Co., Ltd. vs. Eclat Textile Co., Ltd. , The 11th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jul. 2017, Torino, Italy |
2016.07 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、郭政君(Cheng-Chun Kuo), The Key Value, Drivers of Successful Travel Agency from the Perspective of its Core Competence: Lion Travel versus Phoenix Tours - The Tenth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jul. 2016, Fukuoka, Japan |
2016.07 | 賴建文(Chien-Wen Lai)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林孜俞(Tzu-Yu Lin), A Comparative Study of Valuation and Value Drivers in the Auto Lamp Industry: Two cases of Auto Lamp Companies , The Tenth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jul. 2016, Fukuoka, Japan |
2015.09 | 簡正儀(Cheng-Yi Chien)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、許智翔(Chih-Hsiang Hsu), Whose short sales are informed? Institutions vs. individuals , 2015 3rd International Conference on Global Economics and Governance (2015 GEG), Sep. 2015, Taipei |
2015.07 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、鐘淑娥(Shu-E Chung), A case study of valuation and value drivers in the edible oil and fats industry: TTET Union Corporation , The Ninth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computin, Jul. 2015, Blumenau, Brazil |
2015.06 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang), 企業社會責任之爭戰:成本觀點vs.社會利益觀點/ The Battling of CSR: Cost vs. Social Benifit Viewpoint (In Chinese) , 2015 臺灣財務金融學會年會暨國際研討會/ 2015 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association, Jun. 2015, 台中/ Tiachung, Taiwan |
2008.12 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、黃彥聖, Market states and the profitability of momentum strategies: Evidence from the Taiwan Stock Exchange , 2008公司理財學術研討會, Dec. 2008, 國立高雄第一科技大學 |
2007.06 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、彭素君、黃彥聖, 以日內資料檢驗反向策略之績效:台灣股票市場之實證研究/ The Intraday Performance of Contrarian Strategies: Evidence from the Taiwan Stock Exchange (In Chinese) , 2007台灣財務金融學會年會暨學術研討會, Jun. 2007, 台灣財務金融學會 |
2007.06 | 彭素君(Su-Chun Peng)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、黃彥聖(Yen-Sheng Huang), International Cross, listings, Valuation Effects, and Company Characteristics: Evidence from Taiwan - 2007中華決策科學研討會暨研討會, Jun. 2007, 中華決策科學學會 |
2007.06 | 劉祐綸、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、黃彥聖, 亞太地區反向策略與動能策略績效之探討/ The Performance of Contrarian Strategies and Momentum Strategies in Asian Pacific Region (In Chinese) , 2007中華決策科學研討會暨研討會, Jun. 2007, 中華決策科學學會 |
2007.04 | 黃德舜(Derek Te-shun Hunag)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、孟一文(Yi-Wen Meng), Explore the Relationships among Technology Innovation, Intellectual Capital, and Shareholder Value, Added - Thirty Sixth Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute, Apr. 2007, Dnver, US |
2004.03 | 黃德舜、陳從聖、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang), 台灣上市公司股權結構、財務決策與公司價值之關聯性研究, 聯立迴歸模型的應用/ Owner Structure, Financial Decision and Firm Value of theTaiwan Listed firm: Appilicatipon for Stimutanous Structural Model - 第二屆台灣智慧科技與應用統計研討會, Mar. 2004, 國立中正大學 |
2004.03 | 黃德舜、陳從聖、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang), 公司治理、管理者更迭與企業價值關係之研究/ The Relationships Among Corporate Governance, Manager Turnover and Corporate Value (In Chinese) , 第一屆全國技專院校教師在職進修「公司治理」研討會, Mar. 2004, 國立虎尾技術學院 |
2004.03 | 黃德舜、張哲碩、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang), 中小企業策略發展與價值管理, -嘉南鋁業 (股)公司個案/ Strategy Development and Value Management of Small Enterprise: Case for Chianan Copany (In Chinese) - 第六屆企業經營管理個案研討會, Mar. 2004, 國立成功大學 |
2003.04 | 徐聯恩、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang), 結合台灣技術、美國資金進軍大陸市場—吉的堡教育機構/ Integrated Skill of Taiwan and Capital of US to the Mainland China (In Chinese) , 第六屆企業經營管理個案研討會, Apr. 2003, 國立成功大學 |
2002.11 | 黃德舜、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang), 技術創新、智慧資本與企業股東附加價值關係研究/ The Relationships Among Technological Innovation, Intellectual Capital and Shareholder Value, Added (In Chinese) - 第一屆中華民國企業評價研討會/ 1st Conference of Chinese Valuation, Nov. 2002, 國立交通大學 |
2002.11 | 黃德舜(Derek Te-Shun Huang)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang), 員工生產力、人力資本與企業經濟附加價值關係研究/ The Relationship Among Employee Productivity, Human Capital and Economic Value, Added (In Chinese) - 2002年管理新思維學術研討會/ New Paradigms of Management: The 1th Annual Academic Conference, 2002, Nov. 2002, 國立台灣科技大學/ National Taiwan University of Science and Technology |
2002.07 | 徐聯恩(Michael L. A. Hsu)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang), 試論實務經理人教育/ The Practical Executive Education (In Chinese) , 第五屆中華文化兩岸學術研討會/ 5th Conference on Cross-Strait Chinese Culture and Management, Jul. 2002, 哈爾濱工業大學/ Harbin Institute of Technology |
2002.06 | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang), 人力資本、智慧財產與企業價值關係之研究-以資源基礎論之觀點/ The Relationships Among Human Capital, Intellectual Property and Firm Value: Resource, Based Theory Viewpoint (In Chinese) - 九十一年度全國管理碩士論文獎暨研討會/ 2002 Management Thesis Conference, Jun. 2002, 東吳大學/ Soochow University |
2001.03 | 徐聯恩、楊振興、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang), 變遷中的管理知識生產模式/ The Changing Production Modle of Management Knowledge (In Chinese) , 第十屆中華民國管理教育研討會/ 2001 10th Chinese Management Education Conference, Mar. 2001, 國立雲林科技大學/ National Yunlin University of Science and Technology |
Project Title | Participator | Period |
以行為財務觀點檢驗蒜農之從眾行為/ To Explore the Herding Behavior of Garlic Farmer from the Behavioural Finance Perspective (In Chinese) (103-asia-02) | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang) | 2015.02 ~ 2016.01 |
國家領導人更迭對貪污、國家主權評等之研究:國際實證/ The Influence of National Leader Change on Corruption and Soverign Rating (In Chinese) (102-asia-32) | 2014.02 ~ 2015.01 | |
財務管理教材測驗題庫製作/ Financial Management Teaching Materials (In Chinese) (20151006062214) | 蔡豐澤、陳獻儀(Hsien-Yi Chen)、劉永欽(Young-Chin Liu)、呂承璋(Cheng-Chang Lu)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang) | 2013.11 ~ 2014.10 |
足輝集團主體企業價值評價/ Evaluation on Chuhuei Company (In Chinese) (10233139) | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang) | 2013.07 ~ 2014.01 |
應收帳款管理風格與企業價值關係之研究:現金持有之中介效果/ The Relationship Between AR Management Style: Mediator Effect on Cash Holding (In Chinese) (101-asia-12) | 2012.12 ~ Up to today | |
當市場瀰漫從眾氛圍時,短期動能策略是否依然有效?國際市場之比較/ When Market is Filled with herding, Does Short-term Still Hold? Global Eidence (In Chinese) (20121203172955) | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang) | 2011.12 ~ Up to today |
國際貿易公司進銷存系統之效率效能精進方案/ Promoting the Efficient and Efficiency Sales and Inventory Systems of the International Trade Company (In Chinese) (100-01495-01) | 黃德舜(Derek Te-Shun Huang)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang) | 2011.09 ~ 2012.02 |
簡易加工物流業ERP建置前制度合理化與價值動因結合之研究/ The Linkage Between Procedure Rationalization and Value Driver Before ERP System Settlement in Simply Processed Logistics Industry (In Chinese) (NSC100-2622-H-194-002-CC3) | 黃德舜、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang) | 2011.06 ~ 2012.05 |
股權評價研究案/ Evaluation Case Study (In Chinese) (20200502041309) | 黃德舜、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang) | 2011.02 ~ 2011.04 |
企業資訊透明度、投資者的異質性信念對動能績效影響之研究/ Transparency, Investor's Heterogeneous Beliefs on Momentum Profits (In Chinese) (NSC99-2410-H-468-015) | 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang) | 2010.08 ~ 2011.07 |
Category | Course Code | Course Title | Year |
大學日間部 | 86U00078A | 會計學(二) | 113 |
大學日間部 | 86U00078B | 會計學(二) | 113 |
研究所碩士班 | 87M00035A | 行為財務學 | 113 |
碩士在職專班 | MFE00072A | 行為財務學 | 113 |
Year | Research Title | Authors |
106 | 投資者人格特質與風險管理之關係研究-以某產業之投資為例/ A Study on the Relationship between Investors’ Personality and Risk Management -The Case of an Industry | 陳怡廷 |
106 | 投資控股公司投資策略與關鍵成功因素之研究/ A Study on the Investment Strategy and Key Success Factors of Investment Holding Companies | 劉宗穎 |
106 | 工作滿意度與工作投入之相關研究-以某個案公司為例ㄥResearch of the Relation between the Job Satisfaction and Job Involvement- The Case of a Company | 王樂勻 |
106 | 物流業的經營與管理-以A公司為例/ Operation and Management of Logistics Industry: A Company | 胡程鈞 |
106 | 台灣股票市場三大法人從眾行為成因與影響之研究/ The Causes and Influences of Institutional Investors Herding Behavior in the Taiwan Stock Market | 黃育新 |
106 | 製茶產業之產銷研究:以A公司為例/ Study on Production and Marketing of Tea: A Company | 林吉呈 |
106 | 長期照護機構導入酒店式公寓經營模式之可行性研究/ A Feasibility Study of the Introduction of Service Apartment Operation Model on Long-term Care Institutions | 石淑慈 |
106 | 長期照護機構導入日租型套房經營模式之可行性研究ㄥA Feasibility Study of the Introduction of Daily Rental Suites Operation Model on Long-term Care Institutions | 洪宗智 |
104 | 紡織產業之價值及動因比較之研究:以光明及儒鴻紡織公司為例/ A Comparative Study of Valuation and Value Drivers in the Textile Industry: Kwang Ming Silk Mill Co., Ltd. vs. Eclat Textile Co., Ltd. | 林佳樺/ Chia-Hua Lin |
104 | 企業評價及其價值動因比較研究 -以松和工業與志聯工業為例/ A Comparative Study of Valuation and Value Drivers: Song Ho Industrial Corporation, Ltd. vs. Chih Lien Industrial Corporation, Ltd. | 林明德/Ming-De Lin |
104 | 泛官股與民營商業銀行企業價值比較:市場基礎法之應用/ The Comparison of Enterprise Value Between Pan Government-Owned and Private Commercial Banks: Application of Market-Based Approach | 吳佳鴻/ Chia-Hung Wu |
103 | 房地合一新制對房地所有權人影響之研究/ The Study on the Effect of the New Regulations of Housing and Land Tax Unity to the Real Estate Owners | 李翊嘉/ Yi-Chia Lee |
103 | 車燈產業之價值評估及其動因比較— 以兩家車燈公司為例/ A Comparative Study of Valuation and Value Drivers in the Auto Lamp Industry—Two cases of Auto Lamp Companies | 林孜瑜/ Tzu-Yu Lin |
103 | 以核心能力的觀點探討成功旅行社之關鍵企業價值動因:以雄獅旅行社 vs. 鳳凰旅行社為例/ The Key Value-Drivers of Successful Travel Agency from the Perspective of its Core Competence ─Lion Travel vs. Phoenix Tours | 郭政君/ Cheng- Chun Kuo |
102 | 國家領導人更迭對貪污及國家主權評等之影響/ The Influence of Country Leader Turnover on Corruption and Sovereign Ratings | 塗勝閔/ Sheng-Min Tu |
102 | 台灣3C電子通路企業價值管理與評估研究-以燦坤及全國電子公司為例/ A Comparative Study of Value-based Management and Valuation of the Taiwan 3C Electronic Distributors – Tsannkuen Co., Ltd. vs. Elifemall Co., Ltd. | 陳鴻銀/ Hung-Yin Chen |
102 | 建材營造業企業價值及其動因之比較研究:以長虹建設及順天建設為例/ A Comparative Study of Valuation and Value Driver in the Taiwan Construction Industry: Chong-Hong Co., Ltd. vs. Sweeten Co., Ltd. | 劉貞君/ Chen-Chun Liu |
102 | 食用油脂產業之價值及其動因比較研究─以大統益與福懋油脂公司為例/ A Comparative Study of Valuation and Value Drivers in the Edible Oil and Fats Industry─ TTET Union Corporation vs. Formosa Oilseed Processing Corporation, Ltd. | 鐘淑娥/ Shu-E Chung |
102 | 應收帳款管理風格、現金持有對企業績效之影響/ The Influence of Management Style of Accounts Receivable, Cash Holdings on Firm Performance | 黃舒屏/ Shu-Ping Huang |
102 | 媒體報導與股票報酬之研究/ Media Coverage and Stock Return | 魏筱綺/ Hsiao-Chi Wei |
100 | 總體經濟情境與資本結構調整速度之研究:以印尼證交所為例/ Macroeconomic Condition and Capital Structure Adjustment Speed: Evidence From Indonesian Stock Exchange | Relia Novita Rahim |
098 | 投資人情緒、從眾行為對動能績效之影響/ The Effects of Investor Sentiment and Herding Behavior on Momentum Profits | 丁文玨/ Wen-Chueh Ting |
Year | Project name | Advising professor | Department | Student name |
107 | 金融科技文獻初探文獻計量法的應用 | 王癸元/ Kuei-Yuan Wang | 財務金融學系 | 高涵謙 |
106 | 金融科技浪潮下,P2P借貸平台網站內容分析之研究 | 王癸元/ Kuei-Yuan Wang | 財務金融學系 | 高涵謙 |
104 | 資訊透明度對從眾行為影響之研究:以台灣地區股票市場為例/ The Influence of Transparency on Herding Behavior: Evidence from Taiwan Stock Market | 王癸元/ Kuei-Yuan Wang | 財務金融系/ Department of Finance | 黃育新/ Yu-Sin Huang |
103 | 企業社會責任、信用評等對融資順位理論之影響/ The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility, Credit Rating on Pecking Order Theory | 王癸元/ Kuei-Yuan Wang | 財務金融學系/ Deptment of Financce | 黃育新/ Yu-Sin Huang |
98 | 企業資訊透明度對公司融資決策影響之研究/ The Influence of Transparency on Financial Decisions | 王癸元/ Kuei-Yuan Wang | 財務金融學系/ Dept. of Finance | 黃福祥/ Fu-SHIANG Huang |