劉永欽 Liu, Yong-Chin
狀態 專任師資,專任教授
姓名 劉永欽 Liu, Yong-Chin
職稱 教授
研究室 M647
學校分機 (04) 2332-3456 ext. 1964
.亞洲大學-財務金融學系 專任教授(2014/2~迄今)
.亞洲大學-財務金融學系 專任副教授(2009/8~2014/1)
.亞洲大學-財務金融學系 專任助理教授(2005/8~2009/8)
.育達商業技術學院-財務管理學系 專任助理教授(2005/2~2005/7)
.育達商業技術學院-財務管理學系 專任講師(2001/8~2005/1)
.亞太商業銀行(今元大銀行)    辦事員至襄理    (1994/8~2001/7)

專長 公司理財、金融機構管理、行為財務學、投資學
在校時程表 劉永欽 教授 教師在校時程表
網頁連結 http://research.asia.edu.tw/TchEportfolio/index_1/chinyda
年度 論文名稱
2024 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)、陳香如*、何杰霖, 填權息效果與股價動能之關係/ The Relationship between the Effect of Price Recovery after Ex-right and Ex-dividend and Stock Price Momentum, 期貨與選擇權學刊, 2024
2024 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)、陳香如*、吳孟玲, 銀行董事會多元化對盈餘管理的影響/ THE IMPACT OF BANK BOARD DIVERSITY ON EARNINGS MANAGEMENT, 經濟論文/Academia Economic Papers, 2024
2022 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)、陳香如*、黃亭維, 銀行董事會多元化、經營多角化與營運績效/ Bank Board Diversity, Business Diversification and Operating Performance, 證券市場發展季刊/Review of Securities and Futures Markets, 2022
2020 陳一如(I-Ju Chen)、Yu-Yi Lee、劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu), Bank liquidity, macroeconomic risk, and bank risk: Evidence from the Financial Services Modernization Act, European Financial Management, vol.26 no.1 pp.14-3175, 2020
2020 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)*、陳香如(Hsiang-Ju Chen)、許瑋婷(Wei-Ting Hsu), Trading Outcomes and Subsequent Portfolio Risks: Using Securities Dealer in Taiwan as an Example, Annals of Financial Economics, vol.15 no.3 pp.2050012-, 2020
2018 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)、陳香如(Hsiang-Ju Chen)*、陳聖雯(Sheng-Wen Chen), 經理人持股對公司價值的影響:過度自信的角色/The Impact of Managerial Ownership on Firm Value: The Role of Overconfidence, 經濟研究/Taipei Economic Inquiry, vol.54 no.2 pp.191-242, 2018
2017 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)*、陳香如(Hsiang-Ju Chen)、蘇銘璋(Ming-Chang Su), Product market competition, type of mergers, and post-merger performance in Taiwan, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, vol.46 no.part B pp.292-308, 2017
2014 劉永欽(Young-Chin Liu)*、陳香如、蔡秉原, Information Content of Sale of Non-Performing Loans by Taiwanese Banks: Evidence of Affiliated Buyer Effect, 財務金融學刊/Journal of Financial Studies, vol.22 no.1 pp.81-106, 2014
2014 劉永欽(Young-Chin Liu)*, 企業的銀行關係與資訊揭露政策之關聯性/The Association between Banking Relationship and Information Disclosure Policy of Firms (in Chinese), 管理學報(Journal of Management), vol.31 no.2 pp.135-155, 2014
2014 陳聖賢(Sheng-Syan Chen)、劉永欽(Young-Chin Liu)*、陳一如(I-Ju Chen), Long-Run Stock Performance and Its Determinants for Asset Buyers, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, vol.41 no.5-6 pp.685-716, 2014
2013 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)*、王姿若、廖美華(Liao, Meihua), 金融機構作業與信譽風險的影響及公司治理的角色/THE EFFECTS OF THE OPERATIONAL AND REPUTATIONAL RISKS OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND THE ROLE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE (in Chinese), 經濟論文/Academia Economic Papers, vol.41 no.3 pp.421-471, 2013
2012 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)*、陳乃菁, 我國銀行放款行為與心理偏誤:實證研究/Lending Behaviors and Psychological Biases for Taiwan’s Banks:An Empirical Study (in Chinese), 證券市場發展季刊/Review of Securities and Futures Markets, vol.24 no.2 pp.87-124, 2012
2012 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)*、陳香如(Hsiang-Ju Chen), Economic conditions, lending competition, and evaluation effect of credit line announcements on borrowers, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, vol.20 no.3 pp.438-458, 2012
2010 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)、陳香如, A comparison of alternative expected return estimation models for event studies: A simulation approach, 亞太經濟管理評論, vol.13 no.2 pp.89-124, 2010
2010 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)*, 公司經營行為之賭資效應與損益兩平效應/The House Money Effect and Break-even Effect of Corporate Operation Behaviors (in Chinese), 財務金融學刊/Journal of Financial Studies, vol.18 no.4 pp.63-92, 2010
2010 洪榮華(Jung-Hua Hung)*、李易政、張力、劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu), 資產減損會計處理準則宣告與股價反應之實證研究/Empirical Study of the Relationship between Announcements of Accounting for Impairment of Assets and Stock Price Reactions (in Chinese), 中山管理評論/Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, vol.18 no.3 pp.607-646, 2010
2009 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)*, 銀行財富管理業務之作業風險:從連動債券信用危機觀察, 經濟論文/Academia Economic Papers, vol.37 no.2 pp.137-171, 2009
2008 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)*、洪榮華, 銀行不良債權之評價, 亞太經濟管理評論, vol.11 no.2 pp.51-64, 2008
2008 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)*、陳香如、劉偉健, A comparison of dollar-cost averaging with lump-sum investing for mutual funds, 管理與系統/Journal of Management & Systems, vol.15 no.4 pp.563-590, 2008
2008 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)*, 股票購回宣告後股價是否過度反應? 過度自信與自我歸因偏誤的觀點, 證券市場發展季刊/Review of Securities and Futures Markets, vol.20 no.4 pp.39-86, 2008
2007 洪榮華、劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)、張力、林欣宜, 研發投資宣告與股票價值關係之實證研究:對手公司與產業集中度的觀點, 輔仁管理學報, vol.14 no.2 pp.1-26, 2007
2007 陳玄岳*、劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)、曹壽民、張東生, 全國型品質獎宣告對股價與企業風險的影響, 品質學報, vol.14 no.3 pp.235-249, 2007
2006 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)*、洪榮華, 過度自信與股市交易行為關聯性之實證研究:以國內證券商為例, 中山管理評論/Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, vol.14 no.3 pp.569-603, 2006
2006 洪榮華*、劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu), Services and the long-term profitability in Taiwan’s banks, global finance journal, vol.17 no.2 pp.177-191, 2006
2005 洪榮華*、劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu), An examination of factors influencing airline beta values, JOURNAL OF AIR TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT, vol.11 no.4 pp.291-296, 2005
年度 書名
2017 蔡進發(JEFFREY J. P. TSAI)、劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu), 諾貝爾大師的世界觀/Nobel Master's World View, 04- 2014年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主提霍勒/Jean Tirole, winner of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Economics, 天下文化, Jan. 2017
發表日期 論文名稱
2017.06 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)、林美妤(LIN, MEI-YU), 產品市場競爭、併購型態與其長期績效之關係/Product Market Competition, Type of Mergers, and Long, term Performance - 第20屆財金理論與實務研討會/The 20th conference for financial theory and practice--Chaoyang University of Technol, Jun. 2017, 朝陽科技大學財金系
2016.06 劉永欽(Young-Chin Liu)、陳彥宸(Yan-Chen, Chen)、張爾恬(Erh-Tien, Chang), 董事會規模與公司績效之關係:內部人過度自信的影響/The Relationship between Director Board Size and Firm Performance: Impact of Insider Overconfidence (in Chinese) , 第十九屆財金理論與實務研討會/The 19th conference for financial theory and practice--Chaoyang University of Technol, Jun. 2016, 朝陽科技大學財金系
2016.06 劉永欽(Young-Chin Liu)、張爾恬(Erh-Tien, Chang)、陳彥宸(Yan-Chen, Chen), 公司內部人過度自信對獨立董事治理效果之影響/The Impact of Company Insiders’ Overconfidence on the Governance of Independent Directors (in Chinese) , 2016全球營運暨服務科學理論與實務國際學術研討會/2016 International conference on global operations management and service, Jun. 2016, 彰化師範大學企管系
2016.05 劉永欽(Young-Chin Liu)、張爾恬(Erh-Tien, Chang)、陳彥宸(Yan-Chen, Chen), 公司內部人過度自信對獨立董事治理效果之影響/The Impact of Company Insiders’ Overconfidence on the Governance of Independent Directors (in Chinese) , 2016年跨校聯合學術研討會:商管與資訊應用研討會, May. 2016, 逢甲大學
2015.10 陳一如(I-Ju Chen)、劉永欽(Young-Chin Liu)、Yu-Yi Lee, The Relation between Bank Liquidity and Risk, Taking: Empirical Evidence from 1999 Financial Services Modernization Act (GLBA) - 2015 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association International, Oct. 2015, Orlando, Florida, USA.
2015.06 銀行放款集中度、財務特徵與績效/The performance of bank loan concentration on competitive industries (in Chinese) , 朝陽科大第十八屆財金理論與實務研討會/The 18th conference for financial theory and practice--Chaoyang University of Tec, Jun. 2015, 朝陽科大
2015.06 證券商推薦股票之利益衝突:公司治理的效果/Conflicts of Interest in the Stock Recommendations of Securities firms: the Effect of Corporate Governance (in Chinese) , 2015臺灣財務金融學會年會暨國際研討會/2015 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association, Jun. 2015, 亞洲大學/Asia University
2015.05 劉永欽(Young-Chin Liu), 內部人的樂觀程度對機構投資人監督效果之影響:從R&D 活動觀察/The Impact of Degree of Insider Optimism on Institutional Investors’ Monitoring Effects: Observing from R&D Activities (in Chinese) , 2015中部財金學術聯盟研討會/2015 The Conference of CTFA(Central Taiwan Finance Association), May. 2015, 台灣省台中市
2014.05 劉永欽(Young-Chin Liu)、許瑋婷, 證券自營商的交易行為:賭資效應與損益兩平效應的檢定/The House, Money and Break-Even Effects on Securities Dealers' Investments (in Chinese) - 2014當代財務金融理論與實務研討會/2014 Conference on Theory and Practice of Finance, May. 2014, 台中科大財金系
2013.06 劉永欽(Young-Chin Liu)、董宜君, 內部人交易與法人說明會之股價反應: 公司治理與內部人心理偏誤觀點/Insider Trading and Stock Price Reaction to Conference Calls: Perspectives of Corporate Governance and Insider Psychology Bias (in Chinese) , 2013經營管理暨會計資訊理論與實務研討會/2013 Conference on Theory and Practice of Operation, Management Accounting, Jun. 2013, 亞洲大學
2012.06 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)、王姿若、廖美華(Liao, Meihua), 金融機構作業風險對信譽的影響及公司治理的角色/THE EFFECTS OF THE OPERATIONAL AND REPUTATIONAL RISKS OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND THE ROLE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE (in Chinese) , 2012中部財金聯盟學術研討會/The 2012 Meeting of the Central Taiwan Finance Association, Jun. 2012, 台中市
2009.06 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)、陳乃菁, 我國銀行放款行為之研究:心理偏誤觀點 , 東海大學第一屆財經商管論文研討會, Jun. 2009, 東海大學
2009.05 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)、陳乃菁, 我國銀行放款行為與心理偏誤之研究 , 2009朝陽科技大學第十屆管理學域國際學術研討會, May. 2009, 朝陽科技大學
2009.05 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)、李翊萱, 國內共同基金淨值、未來績效與績效持續性 , 2009全球化經貿行銷策略暨管理學術研討會, May. 2009, 台中技術學院國貿系
2009.05 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)、蔡秉原, 我國銀行出售不良資產之長短期股價行為研究 , 2009管理、商業與資訊學術研討會, May. 2009, 中國科技大學管理學院企管系
2007.03 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)、朱筱惠, 本國銀行長期投資行為之賭資效應與損益兩平效應 , 2007當代財金理論與實務研討會 , Mar. 2007, 台中技術學院
2006.05 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu), Brier分數臨界值之研究 , 2006前瞻經營管理研討會 , May. 2006, 亞洲大學管理學院
2005.06 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)、洪榮華、張桓, 權益資金成本之估計:市場衍生性資本定價模式之應用 , 2005貿易與金融跨校學術研討會 , Jun. 2005, 育達商業技術學院
2004.10 洪榮華、何雨軒、劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu), 臺灣股票市場短期股價行為之實證研究─以漲、跌停事件為例 , 管理發展與前瞻學術研討會 , Oct. 2004, 中央大學企管系
2004.06 洪榮華、劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu)、王天益, 重大事件對股價行為影響之研究 , 育達2004財金學術研討會 , Jun. 2004, 育達技術學院
計畫名稱 參與人 計畫期間
企業策略對董監事責任險之影響:公司治理、家族企業及管理者過度自信之調節效果/The impact of Business Strategy on Directors' Liability Insurance: The Moderating Effects of Corporate Governance, Family Firms, and Managers' Overconfidence (NSTC 112-2410-H-468-023 -) 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu) 2023.08 ~ 2024.07
董監事暨重要職員責任險對併購結果的影響:董事會多元化的調節效果/ The impact of directors' and officers' liability insurance on the M&As outcomes: the moderation effect of board diversity (MOST 111-2410-H-468-028 -) 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu) 2022.08 ~ 2023.07
企業生命週期與會計保守性之關係:管理者過度自信的影響/ The Relationship between Business Life Cycle and Accounting Conservatism: The Impact of Managerial Overconfidence (MOST 110-2410-H-468-007 -) 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu) 2021.08 ~ 2023.01
研究發展與會計保守性之關係:公司治理與產品市場競爭的影響/The Relationship between R&D and Accounting Conservatism: The Impact of Corporate Governance and Product Market Competition (MOST 109-2410-H-468-012 -) 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu) 2020.08 ~ 2022.01
股票購回之股價反應與會計保守性之關係/The relationship between stock price reaction in share repurchases and accounting conservatism (MOST 108-2410-H-468-005 -) 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu) 2019.08 ~ 2021.01
產品市場競爭與盈餘管理之相關議題/The Relationship between Earnings Management and Dividend Policy: The Role of Product Market Competition (MOST 107-2410-H-468-004-) 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu) 2018.08 ~ 2019.07
產品市場競爭對股票系統風險的影響:考慮產品市場競爭的內生性/The impact of product market competition on stocks systematic risk: considering the endogeneity of product market competition (MOST 106-2410-H-468-008 -) 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu) 2017.08 ~ 2018.07
集中或分散的放款策略內生性與放款績效/Endogenous Loan Focus or Diversification and Loan Performance (in Chinese) (MOST 105-2410-H-468-006 -) 劉永欽(Young-Chin Liu) 2016.08 ~ 2017.07
董事及管理者過度自信對董事會治理效果之影響/The impact of directors’ and managerial overconfidence on board’s governance effectiveness (in Chinese) (MOST 104-2410-H-468-002 -) 劉永欽(Young-Chin Liu) 2015.08 ~ 2016.07
放款集中型態和績效與銀行特徵、銀行治理之關係/The relationship between loan concentration pattern and its performance and both bank characteristics and bank governance (in Chinese) (MOST 103-2410-H-468 -003 -) 劉永欽(Young-Chin Liu) 2014.08 ~ 2015.07
經理人過度自信對機構投資人監督效果之影響/The Impact of Managerial Overconfidence on Institutional Investors’ Monitoring (in Chinese) (NSC 102-2410-H-468 -003 -) 劉永欽(Young-Chin Liu) 2013.08 ~ 2014.07
經理人過度樂觀對反併購條款與併購宣告報酬關係之影響/Effects of managerial overoptimism on the relationship between antitakeover provisions and acquirers’ announcement returns (in Chinese) (NSC101-2410-H-468-005) 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu) 2012.08 ~ 2013.07
多次購買資產的經理人有學習效果、過度自信或代理問題嗎?/Do managers frequently buying assets experience learning effect, overconfidence, or agency problem? (in Chinese) (NSC 100-2410-H-468 -016 -) 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu) 2011.08 ~ 2012.07
股市對銀行放款協定的反應: 借款者與銀行觀點/Stock-market reaction to bank's loan aggrements: borrrower and bank views (in Chinese) (NSC 99-2410-H-468-012) 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu) 2010.08 ~ 2011.07
經理人過度樂觀、資產購買與股東財富/managerial overoptimism, asset purchase and shareholder wealth (in Chinese) (NSC 98-2410-H-468 -012) 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu) 2009.08 ~ 2010.07
賭資效應與損益兩平效應之研究:公司資本支出決策及證券自營商、共同基金的股票投資行為之實證 (NSC 96-2416-H-468-001-MY2) 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu) 2008.08 ~ 2009.07
賭資效應與損益兩平效應之研究:公司資本支出決策及證券自營商、共同基金的股票投資行為之實證 (NSC 96-2416-H-468-001-MY2) 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu) 2007.07 ~ 2008.07
各種模式和估計方法在事件研究法應用之比較:模擬分析 (NSC 95-2416-H-468-002) 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu) 2006.08 ~ 2007.07
公開市場股票購回與投資人過度自信之研究 (NSC 94-2416-H-468-001) 劉永欽(Yong-Chin Liu) 2005.10 ~ 2006.07
獎項名稱 頒獎單位
指導112學年度國科會大專生專題研究計畫獲得研究創作獎 科技部
2023 New Futures期貨學術與實務交流研討會論文競賽入選發表 期貨交易所與工商時報
指導105學年科技部大學生(洪筱珊)研究計畫獲創作獎/ Instructed the research project of the college student and won the Creation Award 科技部
第六屆聯電經營管理論文獎佳作/Sixth UMC management Paper Award for Excellent Paper 管理科學學會
指導大專生計畫特優獎/Specially Excellent Award for Guiding students' research project
管理學報論文獎佳作/Award for excellent paper in Management Review Journal 管理科學學會
2015崇越論文大賞競賽指導管理論文碩士組優良論文獎/2015 Topco Management Paper Awards Competition: Guiding Master Thesis obtaining Excellent Paper Award 崇越科技股份有限公司
103學年度教學傑出獎/2015 Excellent teaching Award
103年度第2次學術研究卓越獎/The 2nd time of 2015 Excellent Research Award
創新教材-傳統紙本編撰補助/Subsidy for Innovative materials - traditional paper compiled
102學年度績優職涯導師獎/2014 career mentor merit award
103年度第1次學術研究卓越獎/The 1st time of 2015 Excellent Research Award
102年度學術研究-期刊論文卓越獎#2/The 2nd time of 2014 Excellent Research Award
102年度學術研究-期刊論文卓越獎#1/The 1st time of 2014 Excellent Research Award
指導大專生計畫績優獎/Excellent Performance Award for Guiding students' research project
101學年度院級優良班級導師/2013 Reward for excellent class teacher
傳統紙本創新教材製作補助-銀行風險管理之研究/Subsidy for Innovative materials - traditional paper compiled (in Chinese)
國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才/Reward special talents by Ministry of Science and Techology(MOST)
傳統紙本創新教材製作補助-行為財務學/Subsidy for Innovative materials - traditional paper compiled (in Chinese)
國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才/Reward special talents by Ministry of Science and Techology(MOST)
傳統紙本創新教材製作補助-金融機構管理/Subsidy for Innovative materials - traditional paper compiled (in Chinese)
97學年指導碩士論文獲「2009全國管理碩士論文佳作獎」(財管類) 管理科學學會
品質學會論文獎 中華民國品質學會
課程類別 課程代碼 課程名稱 年度
大學日間部 86U00026A 信託實務 113
大學日間部 86U00112A 財務管理(二) 113
大學日間部 86U00112B 財務管理(二) 113
研究所碩士班 87M00083A 計量分析 113
年度 名稱 全部作者
112 企業生命週期與管理者過度自信的關係/ The Relationship between Business Life Cycle and Manager’s Overconfidence 蔡承翰
112 當日沖銷政策對盈餘反應係數的影響/ The Impact of Day Trading on Earnings Response Coefficient 黃歆茹
112 品牌創立之方法與行銷策略: 以ASICS運動鞋為例/ Brand Creation Methods and Marketing Strategies: Taking ASICS Sneakers as an Example 林欣霓
112 銀行董事會多元化對負面事件的影響/ The Impact of Board Diversity on Negative News in the Banking Industry 張原彰
112 現金減資後股票報酬與 前期股價動能之關係/ The Relationship between Stock Returns Post-Capital Reduction of Cash Refunding and Previous Stock Price Momentum 張芳瑜
111 政府振興觀光政策對觀光產業股價的影響:公司治理的效果/ The Impact of the Governments Tourism Promotion Policy on the Stock Prices of the Tourism Industry: The Effect of Corporate Governance 蔡美芳
111 銀行市場競爭與公司治理之關係/ The Relationship between Bank Market Competition and Corporate Governance 廖昱銘
111 政府抑制房價政策對營建公司股價的影響:司治理的角色/ The Impact of the Governments Housing Prices Suppression Policies on the Stock Prices of Construction Companies: The Role of Corporate Governance 陳雅玲
111 銀行董事會多元化對盈餘管理之影響/ The Impact of Bank Board Diversification on Earnings Management 吳孟玲
111 填權息效果與股價動能之關係/The Relationship between the Effect of Price Recovery after Ex-right and Ex-dividend and Stock Price Momentum 何杰霖
110 董監事改選公司與同業公司的股價反應:市場占有率的角色 論文名稱/ The Stock Price Reactions to Firms for Directors and Supervisors Re-elections and Intra-Industry Firms: The Role of Market Share 胡家銘
110 共同基金投資績效與淨值波動性的關係:投資策略的比較 論文名稱/ The Relationship between Mutual Fund Investment Performance and Net Asset Value Volatility: A Comparison of Investment Strategies 陳怡璇
110 匯率、通貨膨脹率與黃金價格之關係 論文名稱/ The Relationships between Exchange Rate,Inflation Rate and Gold Price 吳碧芬
110 企業併購的股價反應及其後系統風險的變化/ Stock Price Reaction to M&As and the Post-M&As Changes in Systematic Risks 薛涵穗
110 法人說明會的股東財富效果: 研發支出的影響/ The Shareholder Wealth Effect of Investor Conference: The Impact of R&D Expenditure 鄭宇傑
110 高科技產業的管理者比較過度自信嗎?/ Are Managers in High-Technology Industries More Overconfident? 翁邦皓
109 公司營運績效與薪資支出的關係:公司治理的角色/The Relationship between Firm Operating Performance and Salary Expenditure: the Role of Corporate Governance 洪詩涵
109 銀行董事會多元化、業務多樣化與經營績效/ Bank Board Diversification, Business Diversification and Operating Performance 黃亭維
109 資本支出與長期績效:公司治理的影響/ Capital Expenditure and Long-term Performance: The Impact of Corporate Governance 楊宇龍
109 公司實施庫藏股之股價反應與購回 完成率:公司治理的影響/ Stock Price Reaction to Stock Repurchase and Buyback Completion Rate: the Impact of Corporate Governance 陳彥韋
109 公司自由現金流量、成長性與公司績效:公司治理的角色/ Firm’s Free Cash Flows, Growth, and Firm Performance: The Role of Corporate Governance 邱志遠
108 企業併購整合問題之探討: A公司個案研究/ Discussion on the integration of Firm Mergers and Acquisitions: Case Study of Company A 蔡愛琳
108 股票報酬率預測模型之研究/ Research on Forecast Model of Stock Returns 林映彤
108 銀行管理者過度自信對業務多角化之影響/ The Influence of Bank Manager Overconfidence on the Business Diversification 黃家琳
108 金融風暴後企業復甦與公司治理之關係/ The Relationship between Corporate Recovery after the Financial Crisis and Corporate Governance 吳柏鋐
108 共同基金與外資之相反交易的績效比較/ Comparison of the Opposite-Trading Performance between Mutual Funds and Foreign Investment Institutions 施雅玲
108 航空公司罷工事件對相關產業股東財富的影響/ The Impact of Airline Strikes on Shareholders’ Wealth for Related Industries 張惠嵐
108 台灣股票市場價格限制放寬與市場效率:從庫藏股事件觀察/ Price Limitation Relaxation and Market Efficiency for Taiwan’s Stock Market: Observing from Stock Repurchase Events 劉大維
107 人格特質及投資經驗對投資標的選擇之影響:以臺中市消防員為例/ The Influence of Personal Traits and Investment Experience on the Choice of Investment Targets: Taking Firefighters in Taichung City as an Example 張瑋文
107 公司股票購回宣告的股價反應:企業社會責任的影響/ The Stock Price Reaction to Firm’s Stock Repurchase Announcement: The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility 陳立青
107 公司現金增資宣告的股價反應:企業社會責任的影響/The Stock Price Reaction to Firm’s Seasoned Equity Offerings Announcement: The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility 蔡慧敏
107 公司股利政策宣告的股價反應:企業社會責任的影響/The Stock Price Reaction to Firm’s Dividend Policy Announcement: The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility 張家綺
107 公司股利政策宣告的股價反應: 企業社會責任的影響 The Stock Price Reaction to Firm’s Dividend Policy Announcement: The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility 張家綺
107 公司資訊揭露與產品市場競爭之關係 The Relationship between Firm Information Disclosure and Product Market Competition 劉明柔
106 期貨盤前資訊揭露與一定範圍市價委託對期貨市場的影響/ The Impact of Futures Pre-trading Information Disclosure and Limited-range Market Price Order on the Futures Market 蘇琬婷
106 放款策略與放款績效:考慮放款策略內生性/ Loan Strategies and Lending Performance: Considering the Endogeneity of Lending Strategies 劉利琪
106 蘋果公司新產品宣告對臺灣供應鏈股價之影響:以iPhone為例/The Impact of New Product Announcement of Apple Computer Company on Stock Prices of Taiwanese Supply Chains: iPhone as an Example 吳孟玲
106 企業通過食品安全管制系統 (HACCP) 認證與經營績效之關係:以食品業為例/ The Relationship between HACCP-Certification and Operating Performance: Taking Food Industry as an Example 劉雪霞
106 房地合一課稅對營建業股價之影響/ The Impact of Combined Taxation of Premises on the Stock Price of the Construction Industry 顏美娟
106 消費券政策對特定產業公司績效之影響/ The Effect of Consumer Voucher Policy on the Performance of Specific Industrial Corporations 彭怡璇
105 企業併購之文獻回顧/Literature Review for Merger and Acquisition(in Chinese) 林美妤
104 內部人樂觀程度與機構投資人的監督效果:從R&D活動觀察/The Degree of Insider Optimism and Institutional Investors’ Monitoring Effects: Observing from R&D Activities (in Chinese) 賴閔峰
104 董事會規模與公司績效之關係:內部人過度自信的影響/The Relationship between Director Board Size and Firm Performance: Impact of Insider Overconfidence (in Chinese) 陳彥宸
104 公司內部人過度自信 對獨立董事治理效果之影響/The Impact of Company Insiders’ Overconfidence on the Governance of Independent Directors (in Chinese) 張爾恬
104 企業社會責任與環境永續的探討─以里仁事業股份有限公司為例/Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability:Case Study of Leezen Company (in Chinese) 黃玉琴
104 投資人情緒相關研究之文獻回顧/Literature Review for Related Research on Investor Sentiment (in Chinese) 羅仁明
104 企業社會責任與公司治理的關係:文獻回顧/Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance: Literature Review (in Chinese) 葉修改
104 金融業的企業社會責任:文獻回顧/Literature Review for Corporate Social Responsibility of Financial Industry (in Chinese) 陳奎君
103 管理者心理偏誤與公司現金持有決策/Managerial Psychology Bias and Corporate Cash Holding Decision (in Chinese) 鄭瑞杰
103 股票流動性之文獻回顧/Literature Review for Stock Liquidity (in Chinese) 洪福正
103 公司資訊不對稱之文獻回顧/Literature Review for Corporate Information Asymmetry (in Chinese) 蔡承穎
103 銀行放款集中度、財務特徵與績效/Bank Loan Concentration Intensity,Financial Characteristics,and Performance (in Chinese) 葉瑜嬿
103 投資人從眾行為之文獻探討/Literature Review for Investors’ Herding Behaviors (in Chinese) 王昌平
103 台灣股市技術分析實證研究之文獻回顧─以MA、KD、RSI、MACD指標為例/Literature Review for Empirical Studies of Technical Analysis in Taiwan Stock Market─Using MA, KD, RSI, and MACD As Technical Indexes (in Chinese) 許詠鈞
103 獨立董事對公司績效的影響:文獻回顧/Influence of Independent Directors on Company Performance: Literature Review (in Chinese) 宋增芳
103 過度自信理論與實務之文獻回顧/Literature Review for Overconfidence Theories and Empirical Studies (in Chinese) 徐鈴玉
103 共同基金揭露與實現的風險收益等級 一致性之研究/The Consistence between the Disclosed and Realized Risk-Return Ranks for Mutual Funds (in Chinese) 蘇俊雄
102 證券自營商的交易行為:賭資效應與損益兩平效應的檢定/Security Dealer’s Trading Behaviors: Test of the House Money Effect and Break-Even Effect (in Chinese) 許瑋婷
102 股票推薦資訊之可信度:文獻回顧/Credibility of Information about Stock Recommendations: Literature Review (in Chinese) 吳美玲
102 股票買回與股價過度反應: 行為財務學的觀點/Share Repurchases and the Overreaction of Stock Price:The Viewpoint of Behavioral Finance (in Chinese) 林慈娟
102 內部人過度自信對股票購回目的、購後風險與營運績效之影響/The Impact of Insider’s Overconfidence on Post-Repurchase Risk and Operating Performance (in Chinese) 黃惠琴
100 放款機構對借款公司股票之交易行為研究/A Study on Lending Institutional Trading Behaviors for Stocks of Borrowing Firms (in Chinese) 賴莉甯
100 內部人交易與法人說明會股價反應之關係:考慮內部人心理偏誤/The Relation between Insider Trading and Stock Price Reaction to Conference Calls: Considering Insider Psychology Bias (in Chinese) 董宜君
100 法人說明會與盈餘管理關係之研究/A Study on the Relation between Conference Call and Earnings Management (in Chinese) 許瓊文
100 國小學童理財教育教材設計之研究/Study on Design of Financial Education Materials for Elementary School Students (in Chinese) 洪敏榕
099 台灣銀行業公司治理與股利政策關係之研究/The Relationship Between Corporate Governance and Dividend Policy in Taiwanese Banking Industry (in Chinese) 李函叡
099 不動產價格對銀行績效的影響: 公司治理的角色/Effects of Real Estate Price on Bank Performance: The Role of Corporate Governance (in Chinese) 蘇尚文
099 市場競爭與併購之長短期績效/Market Competition and Long-run and Short-run Performance of Merger and Acquisition (in Chinese) 蘇銘璋
097 信用評等改變對產業內競爭者股價的影響:以台灣市場為例/The Intra-Industry Effects of Credit Rating Changes on Stock Prices: Empirical in Taiwan Market (in Chinese) 龍德駿
096 銀行過度放款及其影響因素之研究 陳永旺
096 我國銀行出售不良資產之長短期股價行為研究 蔡秉原
096 我國銀行放款行為之研究:心理偏誤觀點 陳乃菁
096 國內共同基金淨值與未來績效和績效持續性關係之研究 李翊萱
095 共同基金投資方法之比較:定期定額與單筆投資 劉偉健
095 本國銀行信用卡利率行為之研究
095 本國銀行設立海外據點與經營績效關係之研究
095 第35號財務會計準則公報之股價效應研究 李易政
年分 計畫名稱 指導教授 學系 學生姓名
112 銀行放款利差與借款企業公司治理之關係/ The Relationship between Bank Lending Spreads and Corporate Governance of Borrowing Firms 劉永欽 財務金融學系 陳宜蓁
111 銀行企業社會責任與中小企業放款之關係/ The Relationship between Bank Corporate Social Responsibility and Small and Medium Enterprises Loans 劉永欽 財金系 黃歆茹
110 經營階層過度自信與重視研發創新的公司之績效:以併購事件為例/Overconfidence of the management and the performance of firms that value R&D and innovation: Take M&A events as an example 劉永欽 財金系 何杰霖
110 金融業負面訊息及其股東財富效果與董監事職責和專業度的關係/The relationship between the effects of shareholder wealth based on negative news in the financial industry and the responsibilities and professionalism of directors and supervisors 劉永欽 財金系 王伯茵
109 企業之銀行往來關係對會計保守性的影響/The influence of corporate bank relationship on accounting conservatism 財金系 張?勻
108 公司營運績效與薪資支出的關係/The relationship between company operating performance and salary expenditure 洪詩涵
106 債權人財產調查權對銀行放款的影響/The Influence of the Right of Investigating Properties by Creditor on Bank Lending 劉永欽 許菱芸
105 銀行經理人過度自信與衍生性金融商品的使用/bank managerial overeconfidence and the using of financial derivatives (in Chinese) 劉永欽 財金系 洪筱珊
104 經理人持股與公司績效之關係:過度自信的效果/the relation between CEO shareholding and firm performance: overconfidence effect (in Chinese) 劉永欽 財務金融學系 陳聖雯
103 證券商推薦股票之利益衝突:公司治理的效果/the interest conflicts of stock recommendations by securities firms: corporate governance effect (in Chinese) 劉永欽 莊麗娟
102 放款集中度與放款風險、報酬之關係:經理人過度自信的效果/the relation between loan concentration and loan risk and return: the effect of managerial overconfidence (in Chinese) 劉永欽 財金系 林佳欣
102 銀行兼為機構投資人和債權人對公司研發投資的影響/the firm's R&D effect if bank serving as both institutional investor and creditor (in Chinese) 劉永欽 張文瑜
101 借款公司資訊揭露水準與銀行放款利率之關係/the relation between borrower firms' information disclosure and lending interest rate (in Chinese) 劉永欽 財金系 葉瑜嬿
100 金融機構作業風險對股東財富的影響/the impact of financial institution operational risks on shareholder wealth (in Chinese) 劉永欽 財金系 王姿若
活動名稱 活動組織 地點 開始時間 結束時間
105-1-台中科大會資系所學術演講 台中科大 2016-10-12 2016-10-12
104-1-台中科大會資系所學術演講 National Taichung University of Science and Technology會資系所 2015-09-30
103學年度大專生專題計畫成果(海報展)觀摩會 劉永欽、莊麗娟 資訊大樓一樓 2015-05-12 2015-05-12
教師升等經驗分享演講 A116 2015-05-08 2015-05-08
亞洲大學大專生(科技部)研究計畫成果觀摩 劉永欽、林佳欣 亞大資訊大樓2F 2014-05-28 2014-05-28
亞洲大學大專生(科技部)研究計畫成果發表與觀摩 劉永欽、張文瑜 亞大資訊大樓2樓 2014-05-28 2014-05-28
本校研發處舉辦演講--談國科會大專生計畫申請 2014-01-08
本校管理學院演講--學術研究經驗談 2014-01-08
太平區宜欣國小學童理財教育演講 2013-11-27
國科會大專生專題計畫成果觀摩會 劉永欽、葉瑜嬿 本校 2013-06-07
中興大學企管系-學術演講 2012-05-07
本校管理學院英文演講--談研究方法 2011-01-17
東海大學財金系-學術演講 2010-11-19
亞洲大學管理學院演講-國科會申請經驗談 2009-11-27