姓名 | 陳安斌 Chen, An-Pin |
電子郵件 | |
職稱 | 講座教授 |
在校時程表 | 陳安斌 教授 教師在校時程表 |
研究室 | M612 |
學校分機 | (04) 2332-3456 ext. 1924 |
學歷 |
.美國南加州大學工業系統工程 博士 .美國俄亥俄大學工業系統工程 碩士 .國立臺灣大學農業工程 學士 |
經歷 | .中華民國科技管理學會院士 .國立交通大學金融科技創新研究中心 主任 (2016/06~2019/06) .國立交通大學資訊管理研究所 所長 (2013/08~2016/07) .國立交通大學 資訊管理與財務金融學系 系主任 (2013/08~2016/07) .國立交通大學 資訊管理與財務金融學系 專任教授 (2013/08~2019/06) .國立台灣大學財金所兼任副教授 .亞洲大學財金系合聘教授 .寶來證券集團顧問 .國立交通大學管理學院副院長 |
專長 | 金融投資策略分析與個案研討、金融創新研究、決策模擬與分析、金融操作實驗教學、智慧型管理決策系統 |
網頁連結 | https://research.asia.edu.tw/TchEportfolio/index_1/109100026 |
年度 | 論文名稱 |
2020 | Chern-Bin Ju、Min-Chih Hung、陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), Marketrofile with Convolutional Neural Networks: Learning the Structure of Price Activities, 2014 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control(IS3C), 2020 |
2018 | Chien-Cheng Lin、Chun-Sheng Chen、陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), Using intelligent computing and data stream mining for behavioral finance associated with market profile and financial physics, APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, vol.68 pp.756-764, 2018 |
2018 | Hsiu-Sen Chiang、Zi-Yu Dong、Chien-Cheng Lin、陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), Exploring the Impact of Smartphone Addiction in Prospective Memory, Journal of Advances in Information Technology, 2018 |
2016 | Chang-Chun Lin、 Yi-Ting Liu、陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), Hedging an option portfolio with minimum transaction lots: A fuzzygoal programming problem, Applied Soft Computing Journal, vol.47 pp.295-303, 2016 |
2016 | Mei-Chen Wu、Bo-Wen Yang、Chiou-Hung Lin、Ya-Hui Huang、陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), Data Mining Application to Financial Market to Discover the Behavior of Entry Point - A Case Study of Taiwan Index Future Market, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol.382 pp.295-303, 2016 |
2016 | Bo-Wen Yang、 Mei-Chen Wu、Chiou-Hung Lin、Chiung-Fen Huang、陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), he Discovery of Investment Behavior integrated Data Mining on ETF in Taiwan, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol.382 pp.285-294, 2016 |
2016 | Chang-Chun Lin、Yi-Ting Liu、陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), Hedging an option portfolio with minimum transaction lots: A fuzzygoal programming problem, APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, 2016 |
發表日期 | 論文名稱 |
2018.09 | 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), Cloning Strategies from Trading Records using Agent, based Reinforcement Learning Algorithm - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Agents, Sep. 2018, New York City |
2018.09 | 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), A Market Making Quotation Strategy Based on Dual Deep Learning Agents for Option Pricing and Bid, Ask Spread Estimation - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Agents, Sep. 2018, New York City |
2018.08 | 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), Exploring the Impact of Smartphone Addiction in Prospective Memory , 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications, Aug. 2018, New York City |
2018.08 | 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), Using Artificial Neural Networks and Market Profile Theory to Construct the Trading Analysis in Stock Market , 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications, Aug. 2018, New York City |
2017.05 | 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), 基於市場輪廓與類神經網路於台指期貨市場行為分析 , 海??岸金融教育?盟??研??, May. 2017, 中國大陸 |
2017.05 | 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), 整合決策樹與可拓類神經網路於台灣股市動態行為之研究 , 海??岸金融教育?盟??研??, May. 2017, 中國大陸 |
2016.11 | 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), Applying Market Profile Theory to Analyze Financial Big Data and Discover Financial Market Trading Behavior , A Case Study of Taiwan Futures Market - The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data, Nov. 2016, New York City |
2016.11 | 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), Binary Classification and Data Analysis for Modeling Calendar Anomalies in Financial Markets , The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data, Nov. 2016, New York City |
2016.11 | 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), Financial Time, series Data Analysis using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks - The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data, Nov. 2016, New York City |
2016.11 | 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), Treand Behavior Research by Pattern Analysis in Financial Big data , A Case Study of Taiwan Index Futures Market - The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data, Nov. 2016, New York City |
2016.09 | 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), Financial Time, series Data Analysis using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data - The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data, Sep. 2016, 澳門大學 |
2016.09 | 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), Binary Classification and Data Analysis for Modeling Calendar Anomalies in Financial Markets. The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data , The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data, Sep. 2016, 澳門大學 |
2016.09 | 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), Treand Behavior Research by Pattern Analysis in Financial Big data , A Case Study of Taiwan Index Futures Market. - The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data, Sep. 2016, 澳門大學 |
2016.08 | 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen), How Much of a Person Influencing the Others and Being Influenced Matters in Opinion Formation Games , Collective Intelligence Conference 2016, Aug. 2016, New York City |
課程類別 | 課程代碼 | 課程名稱 | 年度 |
研究所碩士班 | 87M00023A | 衍生性金融商品 | 112 |