王聖權 Wang, Sheng-Chuan
姓名 王聖權 Wang, Sheng-Chuan
職稱 助理教授
在校時程表 王聖權 教授 教師在校時程表
研究室 H20B
學校分機 (04) 2332-3456 ext. 1884
經歷 .亞洲大學教務處    執行秘書    (2019.10~)迄今
.亞洲大學-財務金融學系 助理教授(2005/7~2019/1) 迄今
.亞洲大學教務處招生組    組長    (2013/08~2019/05)
.亞洲大學進修推廣部    組長    (2013/05~2013/07)
.亞洲大學教務處招生組    組長    (2003/08~2005/07)
.台中健康暨管理學院 教務處註冊組    組長    (2001/08~2003/07)
.魂隆電氣    課長    (1998/07~2001/07)
專長 管理學、金融行銷管理、統計學
網頁連結 http://research.asia.edu.tw/TchEportfolio/index_1/tony_w
年度 論文名稱
2021 王聖權(Wang, Sheng-Chuan)*、陳大正(Ta-Cheng Chen), Using NSGA-II to solve multi-objective competitive location problem with cooperative coverage for distance-based attractiveness, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS, 2021
2021 王聖權(Wang, Sheng-Chuan)、H. C.W. Hsiao、Chun-Cheng Lin(Chun-Cheng Lin)*、H.-H. Chin, Multi-objective wireless sensor network deployment problem with cooperative distance-based sensing coverage, MOBILE NETWORKS & APPLICATIONS, 2021
2020 陳大正(Ta-Cheng Chen)*、王聖權(Wang, Sheng-Chuan)、Wen-Cheng Tseng, Using Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Signal Transmission Station Location and Allocation Problem with Different Regional Communication Quality Restriction, International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation, vol.10 no.3 pp.165-178, 2020
2019 陳大正(Ta-Cheng Chen)*、王聖權(Wang, Sheng-Chuan)、吳純慧(Chun-Hui Wu)、Ke-Wei Huang, Using two-phase evolutionary computation approach for nonlinear constrained signal detectors allocation problems, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS, vol.36 no.2 pp.1301-1310, 2019
2018 王聖權(Sheng-Chuan Wang)*、林春成(Chun-Cheng Lin)、陳大正(Ta-Cheng Chen)、蕭震緯(Han C.W. Hsiao), Multi-Objective Competitive Location Problem with Distance-Based Attractiveness for Two Facilities, Computers and Electrical Engineering, vol.71 pp.237-250, 2018
2017 王聖權(Sheng-Chuan Wang)*、陳大正(Ta-Cheng Chen), Multi-objective competitive location problem with distance-based attractiveness and its best non-dominated solution, APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, vol.47 pp.785-795, 2017
2015 張眾卓(Chong-Chuo Chang)*、王聖權(Sheng-Chuan Wang), The Impact of Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy on American Corporate Performance, International Journal of Economic Research, vol.12 no.5 pp.2043-2056, 2015
2006 王聖權(Sheng-Chuan Wang)*, Electricity Transmission Network Optimization Model of Supply and Demand- The Case in Taiwan Electricity Transmission System, Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, vol.27 no.2 pp.317-334, 2006
年度 書名
2017 陳相如、王聖權(Wang, Sheng-Chuan)、許昌賢(Chang-Hsien Hsu)、張庭彰(Tin-Chang Chang), 統計學, 東華書局, Jun. 2017
發表日期 論文名稱
2019.11 王聖權(Wang, Sheng-Chuan)、陳大正(Ta-Cheng Chen), Use of Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Multi, Objective Competitive Location Problem with Cooperative-Covering for Distance-Based Attractiveness - IMETI 2019, Nov. 2019, Taiwan
2015.11 王聖權(Sheng-Chuan Wang), Multi, objective Competitive Location Problem with Distance- Based Attractiveness - International Conference on Computing and Precision and Engineering, Nov. 2015, Taiwan
2013.09 王聖權(Sheng-Chuan Wang), 模擬科技於真實作戰環境之運用 , 第十屆國際軍事作業研究與模式模擬論壇, Sep. 2013, 政治大學
2011.11 王聖權(Sheng-Chuan Wang), Bi, Objective Competitive Location Problem with Distance- Based Attractiveness - THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE-BASED ECONOMY AND GLOBAL MANAGEMENT, Nov. 2011, Taiwan
2011.03 Bi, Objective Competitive Location Problem with Distance-Based Attractiveness for Multiple Facilities - The 6th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems (ICLS 2011), Mar. 2011, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences
2010.06 Two Facility Selection Location Problem with Distance Based Attractiveness , 2010 商業管理研討會, Jun. 2010, 台北科技大學
2009.12 Distance Based Bi, Objective Competitive Location Problem with Two Facilities - The 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System, Dec. 2009, Kitakyushu, Japan.
2008.12 Coverage Level Formulation in Facility Location Covering Problem , The 9th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System, Dec. 2008, Indonesia
2007.12 Review of Covering Model in Facility Location , Proceeding of 2007 Conference on Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Chinese Institute of Indust, Dec. 2007, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2007.05 Multiobjective Fixed Charge Maximal Covering Location Problem of Partial and Backup Coverage for Demand Points , Proceeding of 2007 Conference on Management and Decision, May. 2007, Taiwan
2006.12 Multiobjective Fixed Charge Maximal Covering Location Problem of Partial and Backup Coverage , Proceeding of 2006 Conference on Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Dec. 2006, Taiwan
2006.11 Maximal Covering Location Problem of Partial and Backup Coverage with Fixed Costs , Proceeding of 2006 Conference on Technology and Management, Nov. 2006, Taiwan
獎項名稱 頒獎單位
學院年度特色文章獎 本校
課程類別 課程代碼 課程名稱 年度
大學日間部 86U00067A 統計學(一) 113
大學日間部 86U00067B 統計學(一) 113
大學日間部 86U00229A 行銷管理 113
大學日間部 86U00240A 學輔時間(二) 113
年度 名稱 全部作者
111 以距離相關合作型設施涵蓋率為基礎之區位選擇與容量分配問題 Akash Pal
年分 計畫名稱 指導教授 學系 學生姓名
111 以供需多目標最佳柏拉圖解探討投資行為分析─以COVID-19疫情前後台灣股市為例 王聖權 財務金融學系 蔡昀諮
110 以多目標最佳化之最佳非臣服解分析股票之買賣行為模式 王聖權 財務金融學系 蔡昀諮